Braun Series 8 – Guide To Updates and Understanding Models/Versions (2025)

Braun Series 8 – Guide To Updates and Understanding Models/Versions (1)

Electric shavers, including the Braun Series 8, go through various updates, revisions, and upgrades.

It is hard enough for me (never mind buyers) to stay up-to-date with the various model numbers and what they actually mean in terms of differences, the best one to buy, and the latest upgrades (and I test, use, and review all these shavers).

This page has given me a place to report any upgrades and changes to enable you to know what is happening with the past and current S8 models.

Key Takeaways

  • The 83xx models are likely to be unavailable now, and if available, they may be the same price or even more than the 84xx and 85xx models.
  • The 85xx version is the latest.
  • The changes from 84xx to 85xx were minor and only included a change with the attached slide-out trimmer and color option introduction.
  • The performance of all the Series 8 (83xx, 84xx, and 85xx) models is the same. The newer models will not perform any differently.
  • All S8 models use the same 83M cassette.
  • The main considerations to make when deciding which model to purchase are your budget and the accessories you require.

The easiest place to start is with the current design, which was introduced in 2019. The pre-2019 shavers are not available now, so there is no point in harping on about them.

Main S8 Features

Wet or Dry Use

60 Minutes Runtime

3+1 synchronized shaving elements

Sonic technology with 30,000 cross-cutting actions per minute

Adjusts to Beard Density

Precision Switch (locks head)

40° Adaptable Head

Travel Lock

Slide Out Detail Trimmer

Includes Accessories (optional)

2 years Warranty (+ 1 year when registering shaver)

83xx vs 84xx vs 85xx

Since 2019, the main design of the S8 has remained the same until now (2025).

It has the body of the Series 9 Pro (S9, S9 Pro, and S9 Pro+) and the cassette (shaving elements) of the Series 7. That’s the near-best description if you know your Braun shavers!

The cassette (i.e., shaving elements) is better on the S8 (see S8 photo below) than the S7, though, and the casing is made from metal rather than plastic, unlike the S7 (see S7 above photo).

Braun Series 8 – Guide To Updates and Understanding Models/Versions (4)

The S8 also has an extra shaving element called a skinguard (see box below), which should be a slither of metal that I can not see (unlike the S9 Pro that I can see). I mention that on the S8 vs S9 Pro comparison page .

*Shaving Elements 3 +1:

Braun states that this range of Series 8 has three shaving elements plus a skinguard. This skinguard, like on the Series 9, should have a thin extra slat of metal that I could not see.

Braun Series 8 – Guide To Updates and Understanding Models/Versions (5)
Braun Series 8 – Guide To Updates and Understanding Models/Versions (6)

On closer inspection (see arrow on the image above), there does seem to be an extra metal slat that would be the skinguard –but unlike what you will see on a Braun Series 9, it can’t come in contact with the skin.

This S7 and S9 combo shaver has seen three updates. The first model was the 83xx (all model numbers begin with 83), the next was the 84xx (all being with 84), and then the latest available in 2024 and onwards is the 85xx (all begin with 85).

I have used and reviewed these models:

Latest 2024 onwardsBraun Series 8 8567cc – This covers all 85xx models, and the 8567cc I used and reviewed came with the 5-in-1 SmartCare Center (i.e., cleaning station) and fabric travel case.

2022-2024Braun Series 8 8467cc – This covers all 84xx models, and the 8467cc I used and reviewed came with the 5-in-1 SmartCare Center (i.e., cleaning station) and fabric travel case.

2019 – Braun Series 83xx – I had only just gotten Shaving Advisor started then, so I had never purchased one of these models. The guy over at ShaverCheck mentions there were only minor differences between this 83 model and the 84 and 85 models, and that was that the cleaning station got an upgrade after the 83 with a dryer function added. The 84 and 85 shavers also have some new color options.

A minor but useful change is that the slide-out trimmer of the 83xx and 84xx models had curved blades (see photos below), and the blades on the latest 85xx have been updated like the Braun Series 9 Pro+ with straight trimmer blades (named ProTrimmer). The new trimmer design is an improvement (in my experience).

Braun Series 8 – Guide To Updates and Understanding Models/Versions (7)
Braun Series 8 – Guide To Updates and Understanding Models/Versions (8)

Differences in Model Numbers

The standard method Braun defines model numbers is by using the first number (e.g., 85) as the version.

The following two numbers (e.g., xx67) and after the forward-slash / (e.g., xxxx/cc or xxxx/s) are about the accessories, color, and sometimes about the country in which it is available.

The CC or S after the / means it either comes with the (CC) SmartCare Center (previously named CleanCare Center) or Standard, which is without the SmartCare Center but will also have some accessories.

There is not much point in purchasing an 83 model if you can find them available, and that is because –in true Braun style, the older 83 models like this one –cost the same as an 84 or 85, or even less.


If you purchase a standard model (84xx/s or 85xx/s) that does not come with the SmartCare Center, you will get some accessories, which you can see in the table added above.

5 in 1 SmartCare Center

The SmartCare Center (which comes with 84xx and 85xx models) is a very useful accessory that will help care for and maintain the blades. It has grown on me as I did think manual cleaning was good enough (it actually is).

It grew on me as I realized I was using shavers in a hard water area, which is not good for anything, especially making contact with metal (a lot of limescale and minerals). Not only that, it’s useful to know the foils and cutter are lubricated straight after cleaning.

There are considerations to make if considering purchasing a model with the cleaning station, like costs of replacement, Braun clean and renew cartridges.

I don’t need to go into too much detail here as I cover more about the cleaning station here — Braun 5 in 1 SmartCare Center – Everything To Know.


I mention the PowerCase as the 8577cc US model comes with this power bank type of charging accessory.

Braun Series 8 – Guide To Updates and Understanding Models/Versions (10)

It is usually available with the Braun Series 9 Pro, but Braun has thrown it in with the 8577cc kit, and it can be bought separately for the S8 and S9 models if needed.

The issue I have seen is cost. Currently, the cost of the S9 Pro with the SmartCare and PowerCase is only $20 more than the S9 with those accessories. In that case (no pun intended), the 9 Pro is a better buy!

I really like the PowerCase and find it useful for backup charge when traveling or even just as a strong storage case.

I go into more detail about the Braun PowerCase in another article.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, the above makes it clear which models are available and the differences.

It’s all about which accessories you need or don’t need and budget when choosing the S8.

Another consideration is whether you are better off with the S9 Pro. The reason I state that is the S9, especially when purchasing a kit that comes with the cleaning station, might not cost much more than the S8 kit, and it has a much better cassette.

However, while I mention the S9, I don’t want to divert you too much from all the effort you have made to decide on buying the S8, and as my test, use, and review articles and videos show, the S8 is a powerful and efficient shaver.

If you are still unsure and need to ask a question, drop a comment below. You might also want to check out comparisons.

  • Braun Series 8 – Guide To Updates and Understanding Models/Versions (11)

    Jason Jones

    I'm the chief shaverer over here at ShavingAdvisor and when I am not shaving off any hair I have left, or writing about what I have shaved off - I do a load of other life stuff and enjoy a good cup of tea between doing stuff!


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Braun Series 8 – Guide To Updates and Understanding Models/Versions (2025)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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