Aliens Characters - Comic Vine (2024)

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    Aliens Characters - Comic Vine (1)

    Concept » Aliens appears in 14326 issues.

    Aliens are beings that are not native inhabitants of Earth and a mainstay in many forms of fiction and comics are no exception. This page lists aliens from various comic companies.

    Short summary describing this concept.


    • Aa Green Lantern of Space Sector 904
    • Aarden Aarden was an inhabitant of the paradise-like island on New Genesis and a warrior of the Primitives.
    • Aarrba the Hutt Aarrba the Hutt from the Golden Age of the Sith/Fall of the Sith Empire. Takes place 5000 years before Prequels/Classic Star Wars Trilogies
    • Aayla Secura Aayla Secura was a Twi'lek Jedi Knight in the last days of the Galactic Republic. As a Jedi, she was also a General in the Clone Wars. She was trained by both Quinlan Vos and Tholme and was very close to her fellow Jedi Kit Fisto.
    • Abin Sur Honored Fallen Lantern of Space Sector 2814; predecessor of Hal Jordan.
    • Admiral Ackbar The Supreme Commander of the Rebel Alliance Fleet.
    • Admiral Thrawn The Grand Admiral in the Galactic Empire around the time of 9 ABY. He took control of the Empire after the deaths of Palpatine and Darth Vader.
    • Adon Scholar, vizier, sorceress, warrior, born of a noble family, Adon, an extraterrestrial, was prepared since birth to take up the mantle of "Speaker of Forever Light." The Speaker of Forever Light serves as a liaison between the people of Galyanna and the Lost Lands.
    • Adric Alzarian Mathematics genius and companion of the Doctor.
    • Aemon Aemon is a humanoid alien from planet Kar'tek.
    • Agony One of the five symbiotes forcibly spawned from the Venom symbiote by the Life Foundation, Agony has the unique ability to spit acid.
    • Ahsoka Tano Ahsoka Tano was the Jedi Padawan of Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars until she left the Jedi Order when she was wrongly accused as a criminal by the Jedi Council. Years later she would become a soldier of the Rebel Alliance and she fights against Darth Vader and Darth Vader's Inquisitors.
    • Ak-Var Ak is the father of Thara Ak-Var and a member of the Military Guild on Krypton.
    • Akarl Akarl was an inhabitant of the paradise-like New Genesis, and a childhood friend of Orion but he met his end in the midst of a Bug raid.
    • Akwey Akwey is the leader of the Horse clan of the plains.
    • Al Bizarro Lex Luthor and Sydney Happersen wanted to create perfect clones. Al Bizarro is the result of their template.
    • Alara Kitan Alara Kitan is the former Chief of Security aboard the USS Orville.
    • Albert Einstein
    • Alena A one shot character from Krypton in the Pre-Crisis universe.
    • Alexander Rozhenko Son of Worf and Klingon Warrior
    • ALF Alf is an Alien Life Form who lived with the Tanner family. Based on a sitcom.
    • Alianna Alianna Hubbard is an earth-based ally of the Apokoliptian New Gods and the only human to ever be trained as a Female Fury.
    • Alien Arachnid Three of these giant spider-like creatures attack the Human Torch.
    • Alien Queen The queen is the center a colony of xenomorphs. It is what births them, and is the strongest, largest, and fastest.
    • Alien Warrior This is the result of a facehugger attaching itself to a human and is therefore the most commonly known Xenomorph variant.
    • Aliene Leiform Aliene tried to bring the imagination of a comic book writer to life, destroying the world in the process.
    • Alisand'r Honored Fallen Lantern of Space Sector 2828
    • Alister Azimuth Alister Azimuth is one of the last Lombaxes. He was a friend of Ratchet's father Kaden.
    • Alura Alura-El (formerly In-Zee) is the wife of Zor-El, mother of Supergirl, and paternal aunt of Superman.
    • Amalgaman A T'srrri combination of three other unique T'srri.
    • 1295 results
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    Aliens Characters - Comic Vine (32)

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      Aliens Characters - Comic Vine (2024)
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      Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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      Views: 6109

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      Author information

      Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

      Birthday: 1993-01-10

      Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

      Phone: +6806610432415

      Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

      Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

      Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.