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~ 1 9 9 3

RHODES COLLEGE 2000 North Parkway Memphis, TN 38112

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Two are better than one. After just rounding the comer of the wall the orientation leaders wort.. together to ride the two person bike.

Play time. Charles llooker takes a break to ~pend a little time with has newly found friend.

Bid Day fun. Brooke Burris takes a moment to glance around and !.ee her new Chi Omega pledge class.

2 Opcnmg

Ten more to go. Rhodes students relax by the pool while making sure the swimmer gets to the other end of the pool to complete his laps.

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.. Match point. Thb group of s tudents takes advantage of some spare time by enjoying a game of volleyba ll.

Enough of recess. Exhausted by the acvtivities at Playfair, these ~>tudents take a moment to relax together.

Destined for Broadway. Enterta ining the first year students, these o rienta­tion l eader~> show off some of their dancing abilities.

Ooh- look over there. Rossanna Punzalon and Jenny Beth llarris take a moment to admire Rhodes' beautiful campus.

Where's the gothic stone building? Patrick McCarro ll and yleva Corley try to find their way around the campus together.

Classes? Who needs clas.<;CS when you can sit out on the b.1ck forty and just rcla,.

F R I E N D s H I p

TimeOut 3

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Friends Forever. john Brownlee, Charles Shafer, r.,tty Fit/gerald, and Mike Gonda enjoy the fL'!.livity of Field Day.

Happy Hoe-down. Carol Culpepper and Beth Webster model their ask me! shirts to the first year ~tudent.,.

u N I

4 Openmg

Miss America. Ale' Rogen., a future MISS America strut!. her !.luff for all to catch a ghmpse.

T y


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• I

Running of the Bulls. The men prepare the~lves fo r the women's Bid Day run with water artillary thb time .

Muscle men. john Oliphant and Chuck Cordona ~how off their wonderful physiques while taking on the pose of muscle men.

Symbol of pride. The Rhodes Haliburton Tower is al ways one of the fi rst things noticed on campus.

Getting s tarted. The onentalton leaders help the fin.t year ~tudcnts adJU~tto Rhode!. life.

Unity 5

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Let's make mud pies. Beth Webster and Erin Coleman pretend to be disgusted by the mud at Field Day. Of, course, we know they had a blast!

You're home. Tht:o Chi OmL>ga pledge!. are greett->d by their new sorority si:.ters on Bid Day.

6 Opening

Picture time. New acquaintances, Jennifer Larson and Loretta Lambert, a re enjoying the exci tement o f C ruise ln.

Gathered at the ampitheatre. The "first year" <otudents anticipate the excitement o f the year.

Pitch the key. The orientation leaders sing the alma mater to greet the new students.

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0 !

Student Life Davision

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Sports Division

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Football Team- (Row I) Percy Courseault, Scott Alexander, Urian Tierney, Michaellludson, Art Record, Reid Smiley, J>eter Adams, C hris Dawson, Bennte Watson, Dcmetri Patikas, Drew RobiMm, Troy Roddy, Ryan Min•, C hris Geiger, Paul Knap~tein, Dean McCondichie, Mark I lamer, john Bratton, Greg Ritter. (Row 2) Chuck )aml..,, Bryan Cn~-ch, Bryant a~tk•, ).1 mie Sbl.., Mil..l• Slwrrill, Andy l tl..l..,, Brian Vandegritt, S.:ott rr.mkl in, Jeff Whttc,Grl'S Stewart, Terrie CephU'•, john II elm, Dilniel Newton, Rot:- Walker, Sktp Kramer, Robert Echols. (Row 1) Chm rot well, Rocky llidalgo, Chri., McCarroll, Darrell Cobbtns, Arlyn Mick, Ad in L.ua, john McCalla, j(~ lluffine, Jeff Da,•is, Jus tin Ro~ .... Brook S.1unders, Rick Milrtin Joey Thomal>, Rob I Iarrison, Riel.. Angle. (Row 4) Chri~ J>arkerson, Cal Mt..ocks, jason Petit grew, Michael ll.lyl..,, john Curren, )l~ Montmtny, 0.1nny Alpc, Jeff L.1rktn, Mich.u·l Lee, Patrick Ricks, Rich.ud O'Brien, Chri~ Ch.bt.1in, Britt D.1niel. (Row 'i) Mike Ru,hin, Jeff S.1nders, Mtkc Fl't:lericu, john Daltun, jason Turn~, Rtcky Stcphen~un, Adam Ren.,lt.lw, Will Rainey, Brandon Rutk'Cige, Brad Dcyl..in, Danny Fllinger, Chn-. Tyler. (Row 6) Coachtng St01ff: Bill Chilllen, Bri.m Gerry, Cordon Ellingl>wurth, Lclanu Smith, Alan Reynold.,, Bub Farmer, Mike Cla ry, jun Hgin, john Whittaker, Stt.•w Bl'l.'ton

Rhodes' Football Tackles a Tough Season

The '92 Lynx entered their season with a tough ten-game schedule ahead of them, which included long road trips to Los Angeles, San Antonio, a nd Maryville, TN.

The tea m a ttacked their opponents full force. Lead by 18 !>Cnior!> (of which 10 were re turning s ta rte rs), Rhode:. once again s howed their dedication to excellence on the gridiron. Season highl ights included victorie at C laremont, CA, at home vs. Davidson, a memorable homecoming vs. Washing­ton University, and senior running back Greg Ritte r's new school s ing le cason rushing record o f 1226 ya rds . SCAC awa rd!> included: Drew Robinson- Offensive Player of the Year, Greg Ritter- Offensive Back, Bria n Tierney- Offensive Linemen, Brian Vanderg rift and Demetri Patikas- Wide Receivers, Ryan Mire- Linebacker.

Touchdown! jeff Whtle celcbrat("> wtth Brian Vandt.-grift after he -.run.., s h. poinl., for the Lynx.

46 Spo rt..,

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Seniors: (Row I) Greg Ritter, Bennie Watson, Troy Roddy, Ryan Mire. (Row 2) Percy Courseau lt, Peter Adams, Scott Alexander, Mark Hamer. (Row 3) John Bratton, Dean McCondichie, Reid Smiley, Chris Dawson. (Row 4) Chris Geiger, Brian Tierney, Paul Knapstein, Mike I Judson, Drew Robison. (Row 5) Dcmelri Patikas, Art Record .

Middle: A strong line holds the opponent for no gain.

Bottom: Drew Robi on shouts the play to the offensive line.

Footba ll 47

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Right: Lynette Breedlove and Ka ren Marr converge for a powerful double block.

Volleyball Team: (Row 1) Stephanie Prilchniak, Cilrlyn Merz, Alicia Lartique, Allison Wemmers, Karlil Clingan, llillary Keller. (Row 2) K<1tie Braden, Tara Odic, Elise Eidemillcr, Tori Taugner, Lynette Breedlove, Jamie Roeling, jane Anne Alwood, Karen Marr, and Coach julie Bowen.

48 Sports

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Rhodes' Volleyball Sets Up Another Great Season

Rhodes' volleyball has become a d ominating force in the conference since Julie Bowen took the head coaching job three years ago. In just three short seasons the Lady Lynx have compiled a 60-31 record a nd have captured three conference championships.

The Lynx sta rted their season with eleven returning players agains t tough NA IA and Divis ion II schools, and now the team looks forward lo the next conference championship a nd a successful season. Among the returning players were All-Conference selections Lynette Breedlove, Katie Brad en, a nd Tori Taugner. Other re turning starters were Stephanie Prachniak and Ca rlyn Merz along wilh veteran players Ta ra Odic, Allison Wcmmers, Jane Anne Alwood , Alicia Lartigue, Karen Marr, and Elise Eidemiller. The team was further streng thened by the dedica tion of the three first yea r players, Karla Clingan, llillary Keller, and Jamie Rocling.

Left: Lynette Breedlove pounds a ba ll past the opponent's block.

Below: Seniors-Lynetle Breedlove, Allison Wemmers, Ca rlyn Mcrz, Ta ra Odie, Stephanie Prachniak, Ka tie Braden.

Boltom Left: An exciting game keeps Lhe team's spirit high.

Volleyba ll 49

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Cross Country

Bilhe Ann Snodgra<>S outlast'! her UT Martm opponent. B•ll•e Ann, tht.! top runner for the L.1dy l.yn,, wa., named to lhe All 'iCAC team

Drenched m ram and anxiety, the Lynx break for the hr.t tum in the home mt-et in CAtober.

Felix Va;que/ !tiglu. m rehef ~he~., the fim~h hne.

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Thb was a developmental year for the Rhodes Cross Country Team. The team was full of new filce~, particularly on the women\ squad. How.-ver, it didn't ~top Rhodes from winning the SCAC Men's Conference Title fo r the third year in a row. The women improved from a last place finish la~t year to a good third place finish this year.

The women's teilm had two seniors, Eli1~1beth Lowe and Tracy elson, and very few were returning veterans. Freshmiln Billie Ann Snodgrass, Jennifer FMringer, Kristin Osw.11t, Eli1abcth Irvin, and Meredith eer all rose to the OCCilsion to give Rhodes Cr~s Country some feminine running prestige. Billie Ann Snodgrass was an All-Conference runner this year. Also providing leadership were sophom*ores P.1m Baugus, Gwen McCarroll, and Bonnie Binkley.

It is hard to imagine how much better this team is over last year's team. Rhodes was e>.tremcly competitive with the other teams in the Conference, as S(.'Cn in a four­point loss to Oglethorpe and Sewanee at Regionals. llowever, the team c.1me back to beat Millsaps, which had beaten them earlier mthe year.

On the men's side, Freshmen Jon Michilel Morgan, Felix Vasquez, and Bancroft McMurphy all providt>d some ins pirational leadership by each leading the team at some pomtm the year. Vasque7 and McMurphy were both All-Conference athletes, and they were jointod by Sophom*ore Eddie Dieppa who improved much over last yeM to help lead the team.

Juniors Scott Haines and Edgard Cabanillas were able to guide the young team, with help from last year's All-Region runner and two-time All-Conference athlete in Cros .. ~ Country, JamL'l> Westphal, who graduates this year. Freshman Miles Bogner and Sophom*ores Tom Obcrding and Ken Phelps all gave what they had to make the team suCCL'Sslu lthi~ y~1r.

Over.!ll both teams are very young, but are s teadily improving. TI1e men's team dominated the Conference this year and look!> to doing much better than the ~ixth place finish at RL>gionals this year.

The determination shows as the women's team prepares for the upcoming meet.

Edgard Cabanillas grimaces as he fight~ for the finish line.

Senior Captain, James Westphal, edges ha., Trimty opponent at the line.

Cro.,., ountry 51

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Soccer rh~ m~n\ -.occer team had a wry '>UCC~sful1 992·

91..._w.on. 1 h~y had a young lL'am, no graduating wnmr., and pl.lyt>d ,, lot of AlA and DiVI'>ion II -.chool., to1mprme tht•1r t~am t'V<'n more. Captain'> M.1tt Wt..,tphall, Eve~tt~ ll~rring, and Ju.,tin Kl~n.,tin.,ki proviut>d l~adt•r.hip .1nu .,u~rb playing .,kill., Th~ t~am Jx>at Oj;l~lhorp;.• l-2 at the confe~ncc

toum.lmt•n t, thl'n w~nt on to ~at Trini ty 3-2 in a .,hrKlluut for tlw conft·r~nct• till~ By pl.1ying more D1v1-.1tm II ..._hool., nt•xt y~ar, th~y hop;.• to be invitt>d to thl' NCAA toumam~nt at tht• l'nd of the year.

W11l j.lt!.."tm b1lt.., hi'> hp wh1le trying to get the ball from tht• other t~am

The otht•r team thinb they a rt• about to get the ball smcc we "'-'Cm to be faced the wrong way. Rhtxk.., concentrah..., on the ball determmed not to allow a go.1l

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Rhodt.'S player. Ciln jump the highe<.t a~ '>t.'Cn here.

Rhodt"> !>(.>nds the billl on a journey tow.ud., the goa l to score a point.

The women's MX:Cer team had a very succt~ru l 1992 season. They sp<>nt mo!>t or their ~cason pl.1ying dirficulltc.lmS. This !.tifr-compctition did not discour­age the players, however .. ror they knew it was o1dtling to their te.1m.

The team had only graduating two scmor., .md will be bnnging b.1c lo. ..ome or their bt">t players, mcludmg Emily Ed'lOn, Cortney Poole, Mo Martin, Amy

oopcr, llo111ie, and Missy Antler.,on. C.1pl.1ms Li.!><l Finley and Mo Martin prov•tk'CI Ihe lefldership nt.'t'<.k'l.l .

The team came in St.'Ctllltl in tlw conrl' rence losing only to Trinity by ,1

score or 1-0.

Soccer 'iJ

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"vven·.., Ba..,J..etb.11l rront Row (L toR). Taylor Tagg, Pat TIUlmJ>!><m. Thoma., john.'oOn, M1ke Gonda, Dav1d Parker, Albert john'oOn, Brian oldrl'n B.1ck Row I lead Co.1ch llerb llil~em.1n, A ... si..,tant Coach Matt Dean, Duane Rob1chilux, Carlton Au..,tm, Stl•ve Sm1th, Mark LoftiS, Ronme Robm-.cm, Scott Brown, Andy Pippenger, Assbtant

oach Tom Robm-.cm, and Athletic Trainer Brian Gerry.

P.1t Thom(l'><m at the top of the formation tnl~ to find 'oOml'OIW open to make the '>hot.

Coach I hlgl•man celt.>bril tl'" after thl• I yn'' Andy J>ipcn~t.'r makl"> ,, 1 point .,hut.

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Basketball The Lynx bas ketball team cntcn.'<l the 1992-93 :.cason with high cll.pt:ctations. Coach llilgeman's SlfUild wa., coming off a twenty-win season, and had added several t.tlented newcomer;. LL'<i by tri-captains Thomas Johnson, Andy Pippenger, and Mike Gonda and defensive specialis t David Rayfield, the Lynx were even hig hly rankL'<I in several prL~:.t:ason basketball publication!.. Rhodl"> fans would settle for nothing les.s than a Southern Collegiate AthleticConferencc(SCA )championshtpand a NCAA Diviston Ill tournament berth. And thei r Lynx Cats did not disappoint.

Rhodes po-.ted an o utstanding 6-2 record before Chris tmas, including impn.>S:>ive victorie' over Asbury and FontbonneCollege. The Lynx even took home the title in thc prestig iou'i Maryville(MO) Cla1.sic, .. weeping both games. In addition, the Rhodes playeN made basketball news of another sort when thj?y trounced the Bel"! from Savannah College of Art and Design, who featured Melissa Burden, the only female playing men'scollcge ba1.ketball at any level. After Chris tmas, the ba<,ketball team routed Principia College on the road in its final tunL'-up before its g rueling conference schedule began.

For the thtrd consecutive year, Rhodes went undefea ted at home m Mallory Gymnastum m conference play. TI1e Lynx Cats won crucial SCAC games at home against the likt'S of hated rivals Sewanee, Oglethorpe, and Millsaps. But, perhaps the most important Lynx conference victoriesoccurn.'<l w lwn they avenged their only fourSCAC lossl'S over the previous two seasons by be,1ting both Fis k and Centre on the road in the same weekend. So, when they beat Centre again, thb time at Mallory, in a thrilling come-from-behind victory, the Lynx wrapped up thcSCAC conference champions hip and with it an automatic bid to the CAA tournament.

Rhode!. fimshed 1ts regular scason with a 20-Soveril ll rl'CClrd, mcludmga 9-1 mark at home, and a final mnking of 4th in the extremely competitive South RL>gion. Abo, the NCAA tournament appearance was o nly the third in school htstory and the first in twelve years, and it was the first time ever that a Rhodes College basketball team hosted aN AA to urnament game on it:. campu!t. The season was also one for individual milC'itlli1L':> asCo,tch Herb llilgeman won hb 250th career game at the college and jumors Thomas Johnson and Mike Gonda each joined the I ,000-pomt club. All in all, tlw; year's season wa!> o ne of the most succl>ssful in Rhodes ba.-.ketball his tory!

Thomas Johnson goes for the lay up wtth Mike Gonda trailing to help his teammate if needed.

Women's Basketball. (L toR). Coach Julie Bowen, hri.,tie I luff, Michelle Stuart, Valerie Webb, D. D. Isbell, Molly Pascal, Mary ancy Hubbard, Amy Dollarhide, Cary Skinner, Emily Edson, Megan Dykstra, Erin Pia!., Rachel jacob!>, Abby Cohan, Coach 5.:tmh ll,ttgas.

Basketball 55

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Th1., yl'ar\, traclo.ll.'am l'>l'nJ<IYins,, br.1mJ lll'W o,urface at lhl' Filr&il'>On Field f.Kihty, thl' fir-.to,inn• ltJM.

Kevin Wiley demono,tmt~ the rl'Ciining long jump.

RoiX'rt Rl'CC.lrd !,('1.1r-. acroso, the long JUmp p1t. Stl'VC Shaw demono,tmll>!. h1s triple jump Cl<pl'rtio,e.

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Firs t-year athlete Brandi Barnes focuSL'S down the homestretch during a hard winter practice.

The 1993 Rhooes College Track Team: Row 1 (L toR). Alicija Trout, Eli~ Eidemiller, P.1m Baugus, Brandi Barnes, Jennifer Farringcr, Meredith Ncer, Kris ten Oswalt, Tracy Nelson, Katie R;mdolph, Billie Ann Snodgrass. Row 2. David Ray, Kevin Wiley, Frank Feuquay, Daniel lvey, Welch Suggs, Scott llollensworth, Hank Marchal, Robert Rt'Cord, Bancroft McMurphy, Myles Bogner, Coach Brenda Walton, 11ead Coach Rob­ert Shankman. Row 3. Coach Cordon Ellingsworth, Steve Shaw, Rob 11a rrison,ChrisCeiger,Jaw n Pettigrew, Bryan Creech, Edgard Cabanillas, TreyConLa lcs, Eddie Dicppa, Scan Moran, Tom Oberding,Jon Michael Mor­gan, James Westpahl.

The Lynx' top hurdler, Scott llollensworth, s.1 iboverhb fi rst practice barrier of the 1993 sea<>on.

Track 57

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Chris McCullar serves with all his might.

.• \ti ... , ~····--·~~-~ .. ··~· ........... .. •• II ·aea• 'll .:1 .,_" • .. ,.. ., ~ "' #

••r··•••••·.#~ ... ·. 1•- CO ....... W • 1H • • ,., ;..,, •~ , ]···&····--···· s ~ ... ·······~·' H••'!t' •••~.a••s•th•f-· ................ Daniel Alpc volleys the ball back across the net.

Women's Tennis. Front Row (L to R). Margaret Sharp, Beth Lacilcysc, ]ilckie llamra, Silra Kri!bcl. Back Row. Pat~y Whitehurst, Vicky Brown, Kristin I lorton, Emily Kur1-eka, Brooke Treadwell. Not pictured: Coach Sarilh llatgas, C heri Grosvenor, Aivccn Killian.

58 Sports


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~\\\II I II///;% ~ ~ ~ ~


Doug Cornille is on his toes, ready to respond to whatever Vaughan Massie sends his way.

Men's Tennis. Back Row (L toR). Lowry Howe ll, Vo johnson, Rob Mohundro, Daniel Alpe, Chris Waddell, Ron Weiss, Doug Cornille. Front Row. Chris Harrod, John (Freak) Rogers, Virna( Shah .

Not pictured : Chris McCullar, Vaughan Massie, Assistant Coach Bubba Halliday.

Vicky Brown sends the ball back across the court.

Tennis 59

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From thi rd base Darian Mosta<;hari pract ict.•s rield ing the ball off one of many plays.

Charles Hooker pitches with incred ible detenn ination.


Steele Fo rd , tn the early stages of the pitch, goes for h is next strike out!

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Baseball Covering fir.t ba!.e, jason Turn!> and Chad Carney throw the ball home.

Baseball is a sport of hard work, self-determina tion, and good times. Many hours a rc spent on the field perfecting hitting, throwing, a nd catching skills. The team proved to every opponent that they were determined to win. Brad Je nkins, who graduated , and junior Scott Franklin were named All Conference.

The 1993 Rhodes baseba ll team is led by the new Head Coach, James Elgin. The returning starters were senior Troy Roddy, juniors Scott Franklin and Brian Vandergrift, and sophom*ores Jason Rauls and Jason Wa tkins. Charles Hooker, a firs t year s tudent held a starting position.

Jason Watkins misses the ball this time but just wa it until the game.

. .. . -

john Dalton throws sto fir.t after catchi ng the bil ll at third .

Baseball 61

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The Golf Team

John Fahey takes his s wing alllhc way back, ready to send the ball soil ring to the hole.

62 Sports

John lines up the pull no t willing to give up a stroke.

Rob Downey surveys the situation filcing hil> next place­ment.

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I I 1

I Intramurals & Chris Polletteand his fellow playing part­ners all ba ttle for the rebound . It could lead to the winning point!

And sometimes you have to s it on the s idelines watching the team.

jason Na renkivicius attempts to drive the volleyba II to t he other s ide with superman abilities.

After a long ride Rut hie Stephenson and Laura Bisho p pause a moment with the horse.


Golf and lntramurals 63

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64 Sport~

Merry! Taylor, Krbtin I lorto n, and Amanda Gatlin arc happy after ~ucct.,~·

fully winning their indoor MX:cer game.

TI1is Rd kt.'Cps a close eye on the s ideline, not interfering with the progression of the game.

Paul thrusts the volleyball across the court after an assi~t from Amanda, ~oring the winning point. llooray!

Chri!> Pollc tte proves to be the next Michael jordan 111 an intra mural baskl•tball game.


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Ch eerleaders.(!. toR) )cb l lugl', Jo Lee, D<.-cD<.oc Isbell, M.mdy Griffith, Cathy Angela Krl•u tcr, Angie l larri<,<Jn, Fra nce!> Patrick, ,1nd Lyl'll Pc tc!'.l'n.

Get Fired Up Cheerleaders: Lots of Sparkle

The cheerleaders spent another g rea t yea r spreading cheers and school spi rit. They participated in football and men's and women's baskelball games, and even followed Lhc foolba ll Lcam Lo San Antonia, Texas.

Their year sta rted a week before classes with checrleading ca mp and after that Lh 'Y kept busy making signs, designing door dccs for all sports, hosting pep rallies, and cheering with the mascot, R.C. Thanks again, cheerleader , for ttpporting athletics at Rhode . Sparkles!!!

Left; Fr.1nCL>s l'atrid. <Jnd 01thv Carb !.uccc.,.,fully mount a ch;m U.x1l.. attlw .,kill <Jnd g r.lCC with which that w,1~ Jccompli.,hL'<.I!

Be low: D<.-c~· bbell jump!. with cnthw ••• ,.,m a t the l't•p R01lly bcfurL' the Ccntrl' game.

Lower Rt: llem1an Wilkins <owmg'l the mL~aphonl' h1gh above lw. head with great dctcrminiltion.

- -

;uls, Stcph.m JC W01lkcr (Captain),

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Equestrian Team Recruiting throughout the year, this year's tea m had a successfu l turnout. They were able to participate in various competitions during the year.

Equestrian Team. Row I :(L to R) Laura Bishop, Marqic Clement~, Kimberly Crowell. Row 2: Ruthie Stevenson, Kristin Scofield , hristina Ross.

Nata lya Hicks tries out one of the defensive moves against attack that Michael Winterrowd jus t taught in class.

Self Defense Class The idea behind this course is to teach basic defense moves in order to protect oneself. Emphasis is put on how to get out of a potentially dangerous confrontation without harm, instead of further a ttack. While the students lea rn how to block va rious moves by the assa ilant, they also lea rn a few tips on how to avoid being a potentia l target for attack.

66 Sports

Nell Paxton doc'S some weightli fting before hopping over to the self defense class to learn how to protect herself.

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Maga7ine Division

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Coming Together Again

Ahhh! Mile-lo ng bookstore lines, freshmen looking lo~t, ampitheatre

parties, alcohol (when you get finis hed reading this look over to the left). Loo~ lil-.e the beg inning of another year a t the village of Rhode~.

You know it's the s tart of the semester when you find yourself in the depth~ of the Student Center buying 93 novels for your English cia~~. The problem is, though, that the rest of th ' student body b down there, too. So, all you can do i jus t s tand there and catch up on all of the ~ummer events with your friends. After that, you brow~e through the $50 sweat hirt that you will never be able to afford, especially aftcrbuying$300 worth of books. !Icy, but at leas t you caught up on all of the gossip.

The~tart ofthcyearalso mean moving back into the dorms and the return of Rat meals, and as a result, the return of Taco Bell, McDonald's, Subway, Burger King, Pizza Hut, etc., etc. You quickly reali i'C how much you miss your room back home and the lu ury of having a stocked kitchen. But, lucky you, now you get to tay up all night s tudyi ng for Econ tests and working on Bio lab~.

Sure, having to start back to classes is no t a pleasing idea to most everybody, but th 're arc several great things about the onset of the new schoo l yea r. First, of course, you get to sec a ll of your friends. And then, there·~ the back-to-school ampitheatre party, and, thanks to the social commission, s vera! other parti~.

Mo tof all you have yourfrecdom from your par nts. You can tay out as la te as you want or (if you get in at 7:00 the next morning) as early as you want. You can drinkalcoh ... urn ... soda pop if you can dodge the Policy.

All in all, getting back to cia cs is not too bad . Well, a few people think it isn't.

... tht• JdiVIlll.., f.11r ~ij;nab thl' bt~mning of tht• Yl'olr fur organintion<, ...

Little Bo Peep . Dr. Bryant antl Rob Jarrett leatl the1r nud. of fr~hmen off to brief them on the1r upcommg y<'ar.

1993 Low Quality.pdf - [PDF Document] (73)

Sheer boredom. Student!> wail and wail anu wail and Wilil to get their lxX>k!> at the Lx-ginning of the SCilll">te r.

The pu rsuit of excellence. Founder\ Day Convocation u(ficia lly rings in the new iiCadcmic year.

:t"t- 1 s \qqd ard Rhode.~ ha..!> o !"lt!W o-lc.oho.> i policy ..... AGAIN . :tn +he po-st '3 yeo..rs, 3 alco!-.a l poli'c. ies "ove eo""e or-.d 3or.~, on<l +he. ~an, piA!> (bu.) +rie.s to live.. v.'f\der- ~ fo·..J. rt-h .

J. ,~ 1~8" , R\1\oJe.:s (..(Ja S o. 5'wa..mp (Cl S fe1C" ~S we+ Cc::vnpo ~ es j o). Th~ only a. lcoh~ l p.-:. lc ~y e"' f ore. e ri u..ta.~ 11

No Pt~ll c y II I ~ nd t-1"- e. .1\.::c.. l, o \ floweJ~re:e. ly·

8~t be~c.re. -t~ e. y r:.o..c LVO...S av~r, -the "- ln::l ~c.Ne.r-V'1merv+ ' "' 0Ja.Sh'"jTof'\ tra"clo..Ttd- Or'J c.o.rnp,"s o<tr"' fed~ro..\ (-v.n cb. (~hod e.-;.J

-Forc0:J 1t> compl'f \ de. v~ l oped 0... f'\ew poft ._y of "No A k .:.:.Y\c.. I " .

TH:r t..u e lco5e.n <.d t"d'le " N :> Alcoh ol " t c, a.!i~h I em) y IF ya.v. wer e d-1

1 i'-n y o lo! o~.v."\ rt.~Crl'\

WI · ~"' t l,c_ door- c.\ os ecl, o.rd "' +\r)e Com~ of ~~year old>. No pu.bl1 c. dri n Killl9 wa-S o.'Jo v.Jed o."d o.lc.oho \ c.ouldn't- be. se.rve..d u..t"'' le..,'> eve,-yc" o2 tV'\ +he roorv-. "-'o.S 0\1 ,

This t0c d;d ~ss . 0~(' n ~w alc.a ltul pcllcy C ~+e..r::-. o...rou..f\d -t"i-.~ 1'\~v-l p; {..:. e. c .c ('e.d

1 ~ ~'V\

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t.:S ..t is..., a..\\uvJe.~ '"' fr ,:.~..Tern,t'y yt,-.._')<..:S or o. rt! '}' "rcrc!.<-l p1A.rt·~s

HCVJ rhcs.rc l• cy ......,, [1 worl<. re.I'Y<().,~ ":> tol!:.'c. '>1!~ ~ rflo.p ~ , ,.. .::.ov.ld lac:. a. lttS'i-1 ~9 pc lo cy -~Jo Tl

Firm grip. If the re is going to be a lx>cr can in your hand, ynu bette r have a bracele t around your wrbl.

Comtng Toget he r 69

1993 Low Quality.pdf - [PDF Document] (74)

commUNITY Community a nd unity were the buzz words for the 1992-3 school year. Everybody worked together to bring life, something missing for two yea rs, back to the Rhodes campus.

Several organizations took leadership roles in streng thening the atmosphere on ca mpus. ancy Turner rejuvenated L1 K, bringing numerous organiza tion presidents and leaders together in order to improve lines of communica tion. One of their projects wa a ca len­d ar of meetings and events sponsored by orga niza tions.

Student Assembly also continued as one of the ma in forces in promotion of awa rene s for community spirit. It sponsored various program to get students more involved in Rhod esia n life.

College Republica ns and College Democrats pulled the politica lly d ivided together with g rou p viewings of the Pre identia l debates televised in the ultra-mod ern sophisticated tate-of-the-art Blount Auditorium.

Campus Green got everybody to think more about the environment with their recycling bins and reu able plastic baskets in the Pu b.

More g roups were having pa rties and social function on ca mpus tha n in the past. The am phithea tre was no longer just a hole in the ground. O n weekend s it was being transformed into a festive, happy place.

After a long drought of inactivi ty on campu , things bega n looking up thi year, and students sta rted embrace a nd join together a one big joyous fa mily.

. .. bid day i~ a uay of unity forth~ men\ frat~rniliL'!. ...

70 MagMinc

Bid day bonding. ~w Pi!..~ pk-dgl'!. ru~h nut of F-J In meet and celebrate wi th th~ir new brothers.

1993 Low Quality.pdf - [PDF Document] (75)

Ruling the campus. Drl'W llcnrv, Titnm,t ... GiL~Im.tnn,.lnd Jim Turner li ... k n to a pr~.N?ntallun on ... tudl•nt re-;pon~•bility a t a Student A~o;;embly mL-ctinj.;.

I lei ping hands. llabltill fur ll uma nity provkiL~ an outlet for student~ to join togC'lhc r ,utd help outlhc communily.

...... , '

I l ' I ___ Llr ~ 1 , I


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"Runway all clear''. The a in.lrip grL>cb commulen. ('CICh day w ith it ... cnomwu~

amount or parking, enabling tho!>C who drive to campus to gel in !heir da ily exerCI~.

Unity 71

1993 Low Quality.pdf - [PDF Document] (76)

1. Da BRAVES. The faculty is considering making it a require­ment for all students to have completed 500 hours of watching the Atlanta Braves on TV in order to g raduate.

2. The new mai l room scheme. You're over 6 feet tall, you're a freshman, and your mailbox is two fee t off of the g round , and best of a ll, you get to keep that a me mailbox until you graduate.

3. Ratniks. And as a kid you thought you could ncvereat enough hamburgers and hotdogs to satis fy your elf. Aren't you g lad that you now have tha t chance?

4. Alcohol policy bracele ts. It's just what a ll drunk people need­-a s ma ll piece of metal that has s harp edges and always keeps falling off.

5. Entering/exiling bui ldings through the left-side doors. Ev­erybody who's normal uses the rig ht-hand d oors, but not you. That may be why when you open the door you usually hi t somebody who is try ing to enter (on the correct side).

6. David Hes ter. More commonly known as the "New Laura Miller". As the Director of Student Activities, he has been an integral part in bring ing the campus back to Rhod es.

7. The rice bar. White rice, brown rice, rice with stuff in it, rice with salt, rice with pepper, rice with sa lt and pepper-yum yum.

8. Leaf blowers and lawn mowers. No need to buy an a la rm clock. Many people thi11k it is a strategy that professors use to get s tudents to come to their 8:00a.m. classes.

9. Taco Bell. Could there be any food that is so perfect?

10. Grad uation on Saturday morning. The administration is determined to make every stud ent on ca mpus get up before noon on Saturday at least once during their college ca reer.

11 . Voting. "Rocking the vote" is in vogue.

12. Compla ining. A s kill that every s tudent develops and becomes qui te proficient in during his years at Rhodes.

13. Being politically correct. If you are being PC in order not to hurt or discrimina te aga ins t certain g roups, aren't you actually discriminating aga inst those who don't want to be PC?

14. Fried cheese in the Pub. Cou ld there be any food that i so perfect?

15. J. Crew. You jus t got a rea lly cool looking plaid flannel s hirt in the mail today, bu t the rest of the student body did, too.

16. Memphis drivers. Obviously, they don't teach driver's ed uca tion in high school here.

17. Plastic bas kets in the Pub. Say no to pla in, white, non­biodegradable sty rofoam. Ins tead , cat your French fries out of a colorful, fun, reusable plastic basket.

18. NOT! A word that is never, never overused ... NOT!

19. The Maclab. A place of rejoicing, frustration, and ignorance.

20. The Firm and Tom Cruise. In Memphis!! It's like a big tub of butter.

Dream weaver. Stephanie Rogers work~ late into the night trying to get in her extra hours fo r her Fiber Arts class.

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Protecting the campus. A':> part uf her dor m attendi ng job, Julie llcndcrson checks a ll doors in her dorm to be ~urc l11<1t a ll arc locki..Y.

Doln' duds. Bophany Huot finally finds an empty dryer for her clothes around midnight.

Late Nite at Rhodes

It's migration ca on. This yeilr more and more people were staying on campus to party, etc., than in the past couple of yea rs. This is due in part to a more flexible alcohol policy; however, a large reason for the flow of the masses back lo ca mpus is the fact that students arc enjoying and realizing the importance of the campus community.

Social Commi sian s ponsored a variety of functions on campus. They introduced the new Fall Over Fest (a miniature Rite of Spring without the fence) in October with bands such as The Grapes a nd

uclear Cafe. This weekend helped s tudents unwind after all of those midterms that they failed .

Late nights at Rhodes a rc not alwaysas pleasurable. Mos t of the time, they are filled with studying a nd homework. Students in studio art classes put in extra required hours on their projects. Bio s tudents do lab work, and throngs of others write papers in the Maclab.

The night is also crammed with other activities. Instead of studying, orne go on what they ca ll "study breaks"--an excuse to go get

something to cat, usually implying that studying suppo edly wa going on. The favorite s tops include Taco Bell, Krystal, and the Pub (for those who don't feel like journeying off campus and los ing their prime parking s pots).

Nighttime a lso means laundry. It's you against the rest of the ca mpus. Quarters, detergent, whites, colors, more quarters, fabric softener ... It requires you to armed at all times.

Finally, late night also means sleep (for some, that is).

.. .late nig ht is a time for drinking and Picllonary ... L.1tc itc 73

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Helping Hands

At Rhodes, most people hCIVC Ci t least heard o r the Kinney Program a nd evera l participa te each year. For tho eof you who do not know what Kinney is, it is basica lly a volunteer program that links s tudents to many agencies in Memphis.

The nature or Rhod es' volunteer program is so ind ividua lized, however, that althoug h tudcnts a reenthusiastically participating at their own agcncie , each volunteer may no t be aware o r the efforts of the group as t1 w hole. H rc's a few s t«ts: approximat ' ly 20-30% o f the campus pa rticipates in the program; 74% of seniors volu11teer du ring their time at Rhod s; there arc about 40 agcn ics w hich students volunteer for.

Kinney agencies are roughly divided into six separate areas and each a rea has a specific student coord inato r. First, is th literacy and tuto ring area headed by Gayla Bassha m. It covers programs such as the Time to Read literacy program a nd Evergreen After chool Tu­tors.

The Hunger and Homelessness coordinator is Trent Taylor. Calvary Street Ministry and Soup JGtchen fall into this area. Susan Fondren leads the Coun eling, Crisis / llca lth, and Huma n Service di vision which include Special Olympic and C risis Center I lot Line.

Another group of agencies i the Children/ Youth/ Recreational Services run by Beth Webster. Some of the agencies in this category a rc Big Brothers/ Big Sisters and Kinney Clowns. jennie Beth Harris directs the Peace, Justice, Environment, and International area with examples such as the Memphis Humane Society and the Ghandi Institute for Nonviolence. The sixth group is the Adopt-a-School program headed by Laura Porter. Services include th Snowd en Homework enter a nd The S ience Project.

For no matter w hat interes t, a volunte r opportunity can be found at a n agency where Kinney voluntc rs already pa rticipt~tc, or by intro­ducing new agencies to the program.

Mecooow!! A whole pa<;~lc of cnlo, awa il lht•eagl' r volunlt't.'r..who go lo th~ M~mphi~

I lumanl' Society.

Gelling involved. Stud ents can sign up to volunteer for va rious organiz,, tion!> ill t h~ Ki nn~y Fair h~ld each fa ll.

Tickl ing the ivories. In lhc Voorhil>s Social Room, Jill Schnek teaches piano lel>~ll!. in the Kinney Mu~ic for Kid~

p rogram.

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Interna tional education . Dipak Ghosh from I . . the Prl'Sidentia l race <~fter viewin<> on 'r tl d nbdl<l, enJOys " discussion alx1u l ,., co 1c c ales o n TV.

Joining together 75

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Rhodes Offers Creature Comforts to Unlikely

Resident Rhod es' mo t unusual transfer this year was a 2,700 pound, 22-foot­lo ng pentacera tops which joined the ca mpus after a six-mo nth s tint a t the Memphis Zoo.

The dino aur wa part of the "Dinosau rs Live!" exhibit, a la rge assemblage of life-sized , compute r-anima ted mode ls tha t attracted more than 283,000 people. The pcntacerato p was origina lly s la ted for return to the owner tha t lea ed it to the zoo: Dinamation Interna tio na l Corp. o f Irvine, CA. But w hen a compute r malfunctio n silenced a nd pa ra lyzed the p re hi to ric beast early during its stay in Memphis, the company decid ed to give the model to the zoo which in turn dona ted it to Rhodes.

T he d inosaur- which ca n s tand u p to I 0 feet ta ll wi th its head raised­-now resides in the lobby of Fral' ie r Je lke Science Center, jus t a few feet fro m the rea l-life remains of a mastodon which once frolicked in the same spot. Two mastodo n leg bones were unearthed at Rhod es in 1966 when workers were excavating fo rth science center. The bones have rema ined in cases in the lobby since the building opened .

The biology department faculty believe tha t dinosau r ownership will be a mark o f dis tinction fo r the collegiate Gothic ca mpus.

Angel Tree Encourages the "Gift of Giving"

Ma ny children in Mem phise pcrienced theexci tement ofChri tmas g iving with the he lp of member of the Rhodes communi ty who pa rticipated in the cam pus' thi rd annual Angel Tree program.

Sponsored in the local commun ity by the Sa lva tion Army with the on ca mpusassis tanccofO micro n Delta Kappa, the Angel Tree progra m a llowed students, faculty, and staff to enjoy the g ift of g iving" by purchasi ng toys and clothing for children who e fa milies were unable to afford the added expense of Chris tmas.

The names of one hund red children were placed on the Angel Tree (which was located in the Student Cente r lobby). Each tag al o had a list o f things the child wanted fo r Chris tmas.

Campus organizations and g roup (fo r exa mple, residence ha lls, faculty depa rtments, a nd fra te rnities) a lso got involved by pooling their resources to purchase la rge gifts such as bicycles, ja m boxes, bean bag chairs, and basketba ll backboards.

"People eem to be so happy buying the toys, games, and clo thes for the c kids,'' sa id p rogra m coordina tor Don Price. "Th y have a good time a nd feel good do ing it."

76 Mag.vinc

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Asbestos-Coated Pipe Closes First Floor

Halliburton The Admissio ns Desk and Receptio n Area on the firs t floor of Ha lliburton Tower were tempo ra ily closed in Septem­ber due to asbestos which was found on a lea king pipe above the cei ling.

During the day, the area was surrounded with hugepoastic sheets. Signs on the sheets wa rned, "asbestos area, keep out." At nig ht, a specia l compa ny came in to remove the asbestos and to clear the air of free floating asbes tos par­ticles.

Students expressed little or no concern about the asbestos. "Oh, it really was asbestos," said one student, "l sa w the signs one day, but when I went by the next day, they were gone. I figured that some prankster put them up as a joke." Ma ny were unawa re of the problem. "I never to over there," one said, "so I didn't even know about it."

Those that did ex press concern worried abou the remain­ing pockets of asbestos o n campus. "Most o f these bui ld­ings were built befor 1970," observed one student, "and I wonder how many still have pipes a nd things w ith asbes­tos coatings."

"The thing to keep in mind," remarked o ne student, "is that we are s ti ll seeing the effects of asbestos use. If anything, it should teach us to be more careful in the future."

Dead Silence Speaks Loudly on Alcohol Deaths

A g roup of s tudents was dead serious about exposing the dangers of drinking and driving. O n Tuesday, November 17, with the help of the Counseling Center's Lynn Dunava nt, twenty-eight s tudents took part in "Dead Day," dramatizing the na tion tragedy and frequency of alcohol-rela ted fatalities.

Every twenty-two minutes in this country, someone dies in an a lcohol-rela ted traffic accident. To symbolize that sad fact, a sudden on campus figuratively "died" every twenty-two minutes by tying a black arm band a ro und his or her a rm. At the same time the participant put o n a sign, expla ining the participation in "Dead Day" a nd refused to speak (except during class) until 6:00 p.m. tha t evening. Simultaneous ly, a wooden cross was e rected every twenty­two minutes on the lawn to the east o f Kenned y Ha ll.

"This is a na tion problem," sa id Dunava nt. The Tuesday initiative was one way to remjnd and educate students to the perils o f drinking a nd driving. "We're trying to teach s tudents a different pattern of behavior."

"Dead Day" was sponsored by Student Assembly as well as the Counseling Center.

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In case you d idn't notice, then: was a Presidentia l e lection this yea r. It was quite an emo tiona l election, w ith the su pporters of Bill

linto n, Ct'Orge Bush, a nd Ross Pero t a lways a t each o the r's throa t . Also, since this was the firs t Pre~identia l election in which most Rhode!> s tudents could vote, exci temen t flurried around campus.

The College Republ ica n!> worked ha rd to keep the incumbent in o ffice. In ad d ition to regula r meetings, they put up sig ns, had Rush Limba ug h parties, a nd a ttended Bu h ra llies in Memphis and St. Lo uis.

The College Democra ts a lso d id the meetings a nd sig n!> thing. They dis tribu ted a newsle tter, .· D. Sounds, to info rm the campus o n Clinton and Core' positio n on key issues. The democra t~ a ttended a ra lly downtown for Clinto n and wen t to hea r ll illary Clinton at Memphi Sta te.

O ther g roups o n campus did their pa rt in the drive to increase vote r part icipatio n. Student As embly s ponsored a deba te between the part head s from the politica l o rga nizatio ns in the coun ty. The Committee for Socia l and Po li tica l Awareness, pu t up a bulle tin board in thestudent centerto in fom1 student on how the candidate s tood on particular issues. CSP A a lso s tuffed reminders in s tud ents' ma ilboxe~ to get them out to vote.

These groups combined the ir e fforts in specia l projects. The College Democrats, College Repub lica n, and Student Assembly sponsored a vote r r g ist ration d rive in the Ra t. The Republicans and Democrats a lso he ld TV viewings in Blount Audito rium o f the Presidentia l debate and in the Pub of the Vice-p residentia l d ebate. O n Election Day, these two groups a lso organi7ed rides to carry tudents to the polls.

All in a ll, iL was very busy and heated election.

Oh, by the way, if you didn't know it, Clinton won.

Look, I can fly! Bill Clinton\ mmp.11gn rl•,1lly took off after lw. vi~it to Ml•mphis.

A big choice. [)(•lures P.lttcN.m'ourvcy.., tlw CSPA bulletin lx1.1rd to learn alx1ut the l'rt'l>idcntial candidatL'l>' !>tanct'l> on the environment.

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People Division

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Trish Adair ... Redski ns' Fan / IS (Minor)

Seth Adams ... Englis h/Writing and Religious Studies

David Assaf ... Mathematics

Lara Babaoglu ... French Doug Bacon ... Music

Ashley Baker ... German Religious Studies (minor)

Robert Baldwin ... Psychology Robin Bandel . ..

Shavit Bar- a hum ... Religion / Philosoph

Molly Barton ... Political Science jeff Bean ... Psychology

Laura Benjamin .. . Religious Stud ies/ Crimina l Ju tice

' c AMERICAN .. "'" ,, BbiE3UJ SECTOR E mAETE H3



1993 Low Quality.pdf - [PDF Document] (85)


Chcre Bene Benson ... P ychology Laura Blake ... Latin American Studies Sara Blankens hip ... English Litera­ture

Taking time to look back on all that has happened since this year's senior class arrived here four years ago brings many memories of the way things used to be. A senior has expe­rienced many things that the rest of us never saw. Now it is time to remind the seniors, and tell everyone else, all that a senior remembers.

Senior::. rule. At least th,lt's what Don Price, Meryl Tayl{lr and id.i Sou l~ thought as they led the ci rcle dance!

annie Boone ... Biochemi try Anne Borden . .. Anthropology I Sociology Da ni Boyce ... Politica l Science/ American Studics(minor)

1993 Low Quality.pdf - [PDF Document] (86)


Nancy Braam ... Inte rna tio na l Studies Ka tie Braden ... Interna tiona l Studies john Bratto n ... Interna tiona l Studies

A Senior Remembers •••

-When freshmen were called freshmen

Sen ior fu n. Suzanne C avt'rmc and ht'r fncnd <,top their 'lt!nior duti .. >s to have lot~ of tun thi~ WL>eJ...end!

Lynette Breedlove .. . P ychology jo hn Brownlee ... Interna tio nal Studies

Chandlee Bryan ... Eng lis h Writing

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Chris Buchanan ... Philosophy, Economics and Shrubhugging Chrissie Burr .. . Psychology Lisa By rd ... Literature/ Women's SLudics

Cha rles E Cardona, II ... Latin American CulLural Studies Dan a rl ... llis tory Willia m Carroll ... Politica l Science

Louise Casini ... Theatre joe Ca tellli . .. Biology jea nne hadwick ... International SLudics

Beth Chafin ... Psychology Mary Eli/.abclh Chancy .. . Political Science Eric P. C ifrco ... llis to ry/Classics

Senior!> 83

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j ennifer Clark ... P ychology Martinec Clark ... Anthropol-

ogy /Sociology I Psychology Marqic Clement .. . Business


Jennifer Cobb ... English j ewett Clay Cole .. . Engli h

Erin Coleman ... Business Administration

Lee Colquitt ... Art Clay Combs ... Hi tory/Hcrstory

Drew Conner ... Philo ophy I Reli-gious Stud ies

Christopher Connolly ... Economics John Harper Cook ... International

Studies/ j apanc c A nne Cooper ... Busine Adminis­

tration/ Accounting

84 People

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llclcn ou~cault ... Beeri m Lynn C rabb . .. IIi to ry/ Educa tion Susan rutchcr ... P ychology

A Senior Remembers •••

-When there was no fence

Oooh look! Chuck Cardona and Greg Molfit ~pend tame together I low mcc.

Brett Cullum ... Playing Dead / lli~tory I IS (minor) Thais Davenport .. . Political science Ca thie Davis ... Math

Scnio~ 85

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jeanne Davis ... Urban Studies/ Late Night Stud ies

jeanette Davis ... Biology I Pre-Med C hris Dawson ... International Studies

Melissa DeCelles ... Mu eum Sludics jennifer DeSouza ... Economics/

Business Administration jame Dickens ... Physics

Brian Dixon .. . History Doris Dixon ... History I Oppression

Studies Laura lea Dorman ... IS/ Business


Anne Douglas ... Biology joey Dudek ... IS/ Business Ad­

ministration Ca thy Edmund on ... Religion

86 People

· ~ - ...

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Vh\' Me?!


Vickie Edring ton .. . Economics Susan Ewa rt ... Bio logy / Eng lis h Dina Facklis ... Theatre

Bess Feagin ... Business Administra­tion Karen Finch ... Biology Melissa T. Ford ... Histo ry

C huck Foster ... Relig ious Studies Katherine Galigcr ... French Suzanne Garnerick ... Psychology

Chris Geiger ... Hunting Loga n H. Germa nn ... America n Mythology jennilyn Gibson ... English - Writing

Seniors 87

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Silva C it a ... Interna tio nal Stud ies Debbie G lenn ... IS/ Econ / Stres

Billy Godbold ... Physics

Katherine Good loe ... Psychology Katherine Gore ... Art

Ja on K. llamilton ... Procra tina tion

Jackie Hamra ... International Studies Harkne Harris . . . Psychology Jennie Beth lla rris ... Biology I

Eng lish

Willllarris ... Eng li h Litera ture Trey Harri o n ... Philosophy Jennifer Hawkins ... History

I ---"ffw.

.. . ~I .,._ .• '


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"lie\, smart .1nd know., <,ome I riel..!. .. :· - harlk•


jessica I leckie ... English Literature jackie I le ite r ... History Drew llenry ... P ·ychology

A Senior Remembers •••

-When there was no Buckman

Gee thanks. Silvas Gitsas t.1IJ..s with Pr .. -:.•dcnl Daughdrill after being n.1med Mi<.s Rhode'>.

Sarah llcnry ... Psychology Jo hn l lcrs hbcrgcr .. . Underg raduate Studies Charolctte ll igginbotham ... Art

Senior., 89

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Jo hn David I !ill ... Creative De ign / Stress Management

Sherida n !linton ... Eng lis h Jennife r Ho rton ... Po litical Science

A Senior Remembers •••

-When there was no airstrip

Play on. )OC'y Dudek bnng~ new meaning ll> tlw word~ "Air Guitar"

Sara h Houser ... Psychology Michael Hudson ... IS/ Wa~ting too

much time tud ying Jeanine E.Jackson ... Molecular


90 J '~'tlplc

1993 Low Quality.pdf - [PDF Document] (95)


Rob Jarrett ... Economics Mallory Jenkins .. . Business/ Englis h (minor) Vo johnson ... Relig ion

Elizab th jones ... Psychology Laurie j ones ... Business Adminis tra­tion Teresa jones .. . Bus iness/ Account­ing

Amber Kahn ... Po Utical Science Stephen Karnes ... Politica l Science Cassy Kasun .. . Biology I Anthropol­ogy (minor)

Kristine Ke lly ... Potitical Science Katherine Kenned y ... Psychology S. Clark Kennedy ... Biology

Seniors 91

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Shea Kent ... Mo ney jenny Kim .. . Interna tio nal Stud ies

Caroline Knig ht ... Interna tional Stud ies

jenny Kuykenda ll ... Inte rna tional Studies

Alii on La Ro ca ... Inte rna tional Studies

james Lacy ... Economics/ Bu iness

Wendy Lawing ... Art Elizabeth Lawson ... Politica l Science

American Stud ies (minor) Sca n Lee ... English

Sha nnon Lientz ... Eng lish- Writing john Little ... Po litica l Science

Susa n Long .. . Eng lis h/ Wrtiing

92 Peopll'

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Dionne Low (Stephenson) ... Biol­ogy I Pre-Med Elizabeth Lowe ... Studio Art Tom Lowry ... Politica l Science

A Senior Remembers ...

-When University Dorm still existed

-Stonehenge on the Back 40

Look a t them. Eric Flander~ nnd Kristyn Wh1t<! look over the ampitheatre rcmcbenng the1r first yea r here.

Tanja Lueck ... Eng lish Literature/ Germa n and Kappa Sigs(minor) Marcjana Lund ... Po litical Science David Lutschg ... Improvisational Goofinc s

Senior. 93

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Lisa Mancini ... Pol tica l Science Abby Mark wa rd ... Psychology Kevin Ma rsha ll ... Interna tiona l


Stephen Ma thews ... Cereal G re tchen Maurer ... History

Ka therine McCaa ... German I Mouthiness

Dea n McCond ichie ... Eng li h­Writing

Chris McCoy ... Augst-ridden, Poetry w riting, long- ha ired a rtsy type

Charlotte McDavid ... Psychology

Melissa McFarla nd ... Bus iness Administra tion / Accounting

La ra McG inty ... Business Ad minis­tra tion

Susannah McLend on ... Psychology

94 People

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Amber McRee ... Eng lish, Writing Carly n Mer.t. ... Psychology Kerri Mille r ... Biology

Richa rd Mille r ... Biochemis try Bccki Miller .. . Psychology Rya n D. Mire ... Biology/ Pre-Med

Lind ey Nevin Mitcha m ... Po litica l Science Lisa Moore ... Art II is tory Stepha nie Mo nte ... Sovie t Studies

Jeff Mullins ... Philo o phy Ca rte r Murray ... Business Admin is­tra tion Joson Myers . .. Psycho logy of Drink­ing

Senior~ 95

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Tara Od ie ... Biology/ Pre-Med Tim Olcott ... PoliticCI I Science/

TheCl tre / lntrCl mura ls and DOll-nuts Sil muel Oliver ... Eil ting bananils and

swing ing from trees

G reg Pa lmer ... Music/Business Admin.

Renee PMd ieck ... Biology LinCI Parikh ... Anthropology I

Sociology I lnternalionnl Studies

KT Pate rson . .. Business Adminis tra­tion

Dilna Peterson ... Physica l Chemis try Rick Picerno ... Biology

Andy Pippenger ... Economics Ben Pittman ... UrbCln Studie

Chris Po llette ... Engli h / Percus­s ion/ Puns


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Laura Po rte r ... Internatio na l Studies ... Whatever Stephanie Prachniak ... Art Don Price ... E tracurricular Activi­tic ·I Biochemistry

A Senior Remembers ...

-When we still had a radio station

-Waiting in line for days to buy books in the Bookstore Annex

Ha Ha. K.11hy, (rom Zinnte\, 'NlY~ hello to all the pt.'Oplc ~he ha!.n"l ~-en lately.

jeremy Ra mey ... Large Instrument:, Terri Eli.labcth Randolph ... French Tanya Ra a ... International Studies

'~mio...., 97

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Stacy Rector .. . Psychology I Relig ion Debbie Reed ... Anthropology I

Sociology David Rice ... Psychology

A Senior Remembers ...

-life before the alcohol policy & armbands

A ll g ri ns. Kerri Millt.>r g rms ' t l b1~ ytlll

wondt>r \\ ho1t "ht>'s pl,lnning.

Ralene Richards ... His tory/ Women's Studies

Greg Ritter ... Modern Claryism Troy Rodd y ... Business Administra­


98 Pt'Ople


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I .uaVtVIlD


john Rogers ... English Kri ten Rothammer ... Biology Yves-Maries Rougelot ... Studio Art

jarrod Roussel ... Cell & Molecular Biology Sumi Sa nkara n ... French ja mes Scherer ... Biology/"Urban Stud ies"

Anne Everette Schilling ... Religion/ Theatre Brya n Shelby ... International Stu die D. Andrew Shipman ... Economics

jennifer Short ... Psychology Mindy Simon ... l lis to ry Stacy Sisco ... Poli tical Science

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Kelley Slagle ... English/ Disco Chris Slonecker ... Biology Reid Smiley ... Economics

Ada-Saran Smith ... Psychology Carey Smith ... Biology

Eric Smith ... Poetry

Harold C. Smith ... Law +Govern­ment + Sports = Psychology

Nicki Soule ... Psychology Jennafer Stahl ... International


Cayce Stapp ... Internationa l Stud­ies/Business Administration

Jeff Stevens .. . Bio logy I Pre-Med Jennifer Tacker ... international


100 People

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Peter Adams Kelly Agee Sharo n Akins Scott Alexander Julie Alexander Bryan Alsup Allen Bell Bridget Bradley Tri ta Branick jonat han Bumpas Laura Cabanillas joseph Caste lli Amy Collins Forrest Conner Steven Cowa n And rcw Cowell Timothy Daley Mark Dattel Heather Dorris Stephen Dorst Christy Elkin Kara Elliot Martha Farns worth Fores t Ferre ll Lisa Finley Scott Fi t.lgera ld Ke lsey Fitzpatrick Susan Fondren

Miles Fortas Jeffrey Gadom ki Robert Ga lvin Angela Giddings Scott Giddings Michael Gore Cheri Grosvenor Chri Hall Mark fl amer Vickie Hardy EliLabeth Hayes Molly Hemphill Clarence Herring ton J a ra II i II Caroline Ho rner Frank Howell WeiminHu Maria jezak Leslie Jo hnson Mark jo hnson Jeanie Jo nes EliLabeth Kaufman Aivecn Killian john King Edward Kizer Paul Knapstein Chris Kollme Elizabeth Langston


Taylor Tagg ... Business Administra­tion with Accounting Julia Tarver .. . Politica l Science/ Englis h Tracy Terwilliger ... Business Admin­istra tion


Brad ford Lee Kimberly Lichte rma n john Londot jay Lo ng Shanno n Maris Ricky Martin Michelle Matthews Kimberly McAfee Chris topher McCullar Mark McDa niel je nnifer McNai r Jo hn Meeker Kcnnneth Milman Scott Milman Charl es Mitchell G regory Moffitt Juli e Mo ntgomery Shannon Moore James Mya tt Billy Myer Patrick Nelson Tracy Nelson Sca n ighbert Claudia oe Ellen 0 oinach Scott O s trow John Paradise Demetri Pa tikas

Chip Perry Jason Peters Lyell Pet e rsen jason Po tte r Chris Price Manish Purohit Allison Quayle Robert Ra tcliff Art Record Renee Riser Tammie Ritchey Drew Robison Lisa Rosenga rtn er Greg Rubio Amy Russell Mary llelen Russell Robert Rutschma n Jennifer Sapp Vincent Sa to r Courtney Schwarten Michael Sea rs Ca ndace Shafe r Pe te r S hea Bart Shirl ey Derek Sing h Shelley Smith Bre tt Spai n Brian Spradling

Cynthia Sta to n Ja mes Streete Britt Summers Donald Sumner George Talbot Kimerie Tate Eric Timmons David Trainor Lisa Turnbow Eric Underdahl Kevin Vaughn David Vecchip Miche lle Viar Daniel Vohs C hris tian Wadde ll Laura Wallace Boyd Waller Annah Wa lter C lifford Watson Bennie Watson Alexand er Wellford Allison We mmers Ru ssel Wiener Liza Wilson Je ffrey Wilson Stephanie Ya nikPalc rmo

Sydney Thomp on .. . International Studies/ Spanish Brian Tierney ... Chemistry I Pre­Medical Elizabeth Timmons ... Psychology­multiple Personalities

At Last, tl\e per-fect


SenioN 101

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Laca Tines ... Music/ Pre-Legend DeSha Tolar ... Creative Writing

Hilaire Brooke Treadwell ... English / Shopping

Heather Marsh Turvey .. . Music Keirsten Vohwinkel ... Biology

Blake Walker ... Biology

Melanie Walker ... Urban Studies Stephanie Wa lker ... Biology

Wendy Walters ... Psychology

David Ward ... Economics/ Business Adminis tration/ Intramural Sports

Mary Elizabeth Webb ... EngUsh Andrea Weiser ... English

102 People

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Ronald Weiss ... Bidness/ Accounting James Westpha l ... Liquid Ca rbo­Loading Jessica White .. . Business Adminstration

Kristyn White ... English Lee Wilkes ... KSBBDPDSS Paige Williams ... Business Adminis­tration

Michael Wilson ... Business/ Com­pute r Science/ Accounting Rob Wolcott ... Urban Studies Ed ley Womac ... Art History

Gordon Woodson ... Psychology Melissa Wright ... IS/ Germa n Wendy Young ... Psychology

Seniors 103

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104 People

llarbcrt Alexander Josh Almond Bryan Alsup

Jane Anne Alwood Linnea Anderson

Gene Anthony Mike Augspurger

Jennifer Autry Susan Baird Ellen Baker

Amy Ballentine Shavil l3ar-Nahum

Ray Barker Susie Barton

Gayla Basshum William Bennett

Laura Benson Britt Bcnston

Jimmy Blount Bethany Bos ton

Liz Boucher

Michael Brown Molly Bradley

Chip Brian Catherine Brown

Eric Brown Judy Brown

Anita Bryant

Carter Bryars Jo na tho n Bumpus

Jennifer Buhl Sam Burkett

Chris ty Burks Alan Burton

Stephanie Butler

Diner Time. Julie Henderson, Amanda

Coe, and Elizabeth Young attempt to enjoy

diner a t the Rat.

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Edgar Cabanillas Chip Campbell Chris Cardwell Cathy Carls Jeff Carlton Shannon Carter Terrie Cephus

Denise Ceulc Dana Chamblee Shing-llwa Chong Ann Tyler Chotc

ina Choudhui Carolyn ClarJ.. HalieCiouse

Amanda Coe Jennifer co*ker Kathy Cole Amy Coney Janet Cook DougComille Nancy Cotham

Maggie Coulon Scott Covode Stewart Crais Ric C rowder EricCruber Carol Culpepper Jennifer Cunningham

Kristy Dallas Chad Davidson Gina Deluca Keri Doyle Bo DuBose Dylan Dryer Shaun Dublin

Helium fun. Janet Cook and Chad McGee put some balloon~ on the curb while dL>eiding which balloon to suck the helium and ~ound like Mickey Mouse.

Juniors 105

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106 People

Eric Dunning Megan Dykstra

Christy Elkin Wendy Ellingsworth

Melissa Elmiligy Angi Elsea

John Fahey

Anne Falgoust Julie Ferguson

Pa tty Fitzgerald Shannon Foster

Wendy Foster Michael Fulton

Susan Gabrielson

Corey Galle Juni Gangu li Tanya Cant Susan Gear

Juliana Gentle Chris Getman

Gina Gibe(

Anne Gibson Melissa Gillila nd

Chris Gilrea th MjkeGonda

Kathryn Green Stacey Greenberg

La rry Groo

Scott Haines Holly Hall

Tim Hamilton Trey Hamilton

Ji Han Elizabeth Harcourt

Joe Ha rdin

Matt Hardin

Okay. The summer was fun, stress-free, you made the "real" decision last semester- you declared your major. So, the only thing to do is get back to school and have some fun, right? t!IQI! Not if you're a junior, anyway! You've had two years of fun. Now, for the first time, those really big question come up. No! Not where to go for Spring Break or whether to sleep throught that 8 o'clock class. Which, by the way, you should have already known not to sign up for, because you'd never make it. No, these questions are a little more like- Where will I go? Do I biB to grow up?

As a junior, you have to actually consider a future outside of the stone and slate community of Rhodes College for the first time.

But it isn't all serious! Being a "junior" d21llleave you one more year to play a little and breathe a sigh of relief that being a "senior" is still somewhere in the hazy future of "next year".

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Where did we luve them? Ed Jerden and Jason Narenkivicius s top and pose in lhc midst of trying to locate their books somewhere in the library.

Pace Harrison Trey Harrison Chris llarrod Sam I lass Gl'Orge Hawkins Scott Heamsbcrger john 1-lelm

Debbie llcnderson Julie llenderson Melissa Herbst Everette Herring Natayla I licks Amy llill Brian Hollensworth

Andrea Hood Leila f-lood Darin Hornsby Kristin Horton Kelly Howard Bophany Huot jason Hutchinson

Daniel Ivy Holly jackson William jackson Eddie Jerden Jenny Johns Erick Johnson Ron johnson

Felicia lrby Thomas Johnson Andrea jones Dorian Jones Laura Kemp Amy Kassem Clark Kennedy

Juniors 107

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108 l't.'tlple

Chuga Chuga Choo Choo. Erin Coleman and josh Almond !.how th.1t you don't have to grow up at college. You can <,hll do lhe train.

David Killilea Brittain King

Gretchen King ju.;tin Kll-slinski

SaHa Koja Bnan Konradi ja'>(m Lafemy

Bibb Lamar Allison Lambert

Jim Lampugh Mark Landers

Alicia Lartigue Krc.ty Lavendar

N1kk1 Lawson

Marlin LeRoy Scott Leoowil7 Rob Liebschutz Andrew Likes Chri~ Linder Anne Locke L..1ura Locke

Mark Loftis frank Long

Champ Lyons John Mackall Mark Manno

jeni Marberry Karen Marr

jeff Massey Su..an Ma~n

M1chelle McConnick Sean McCrary

J<~mie McDaniel Chad McGee

Alison McVoy

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After practice. Alicia Lartig ue, Tori Taugner, and Karen Marr have diner in the pub after Volleyba ll practice.

julie Mciman Dean Merritt Angela Messina Marie Elise Middleton joe Mills juli Milnor Lisa Mitchell

Sean Moran Andrea Moseley Missy Motichek Rob Neff Deborah Nelson Mary Elizabeth Neville Daniel Newton

Lan Nguyen Thuong Nguyen Alfred Ni Brian O'Neill Caroline Oakley lan Pace Shannon Papin

jennifer Parker Adam Parr Frances Patrick Nell Pax ton Stacy Penning ton Amy Perry Kelly Petro

Laura Pointer jill Poppenheimer Emily Pouza r Ned Powell Amy Powers Berna rd Powers

juniors 109

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110 People

Mark Ptacek RossannOl Pun7.alan

Erik.1 Ragan Robbie Ragland

Beth Rather David Rayfield Ryan Reardon

Cecile Reinhardt Liz Rhoades

Caprice Roberts Graham Rovertson

Brandy Rogers ikki Rosenkoetter

Christina Ro

Debie Rudder Mike Rushin Tootsie Rye

Kyla Sawyer Charles Schafer

Lee Schriver Ben Scott

Liza Scott MikeSherril

Joyce Shin Debbie Sirratt Bernal Smith

Brandon Smithey Judy Song

Meiko Sonoda Cliff Spencer

Nicole Spenser Steve Stanley Cayce Stapp

Laura Stephens Greg Stewart

Mark Strickland Tcri Sullivan Jason Tatum

Tori Taugner Merry I Taylor

Robyn Thieman Tammi tit*worth

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Bart Turner Nancy Turner Brian Vandergrift Tonya Vaughn Ayesha Vawda Jason Vest Jason Vogel

Brett Waibel Tameka Wakefield Rob Walker Russell Wallace Jay Wardlaw Noel Wardwell Karla Washburn

Valerie Webb Beth Web~ter Alex Welford Catie Wells Scott Wells Matthew Westfall Ashley White

Jeff White Cassandra Morgan Jim Wilkerson Brett William~ Kiel Wilson Jennifer Wineland Sam Woods

Rachel Wooldridge Chad Wray Eli7..abeth Young Stephanie Yount

Studying haid. Susan Gear can't be studying too hard- look she's enjoying it!

Juniors Ill

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11 2 People

Eli.1abeth Abbott Jaci Adams

Tracy Adkisson Martha Allen

Scotland AJien David ArrnJ>trong II

Amy Asburg

I leather Ashcraft Elinbeth AusteiJ Caroline Austin

athaneiel Back Justin Baker Tim BaiJard

Kimbrelle Barbosa

Lc..>eh Barker Sara Barnette Sa ra Barnhart

Molly Baton Pam Baugus Betsy Beard Marc Berne I

Katherine Bedeian Melissa Berry

Bonnie Binkley Lori Bond

Daniel Bowker Susannah Bowles

Aaron Brenner

Benjamin Brown Frank Brown

John Brudenell Catina Bryant Judson Burch Julie Burford

Molly Caldwell

Put your shirt on. Melissa Martin helps

one of AM's new pledges put on her Bid

Day Shirt .

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john Cameron Tony Capiz.zani jason Carmel Chad Carney julia Carrulh Walker Carter Caroline Cater

Maria Cawook Sanectha Chakinda Chris Chappell Ruth Chung Michelle Clark Tim Clay Lane Clements

Bryan co*ker Brian Coldren Ronald Coleridge jeff Coons Scan Cooper john Coutrado Catherine Cozart

jason Crabb Thomas Craft Bryan Creech Chris Catwell Gretchen Crowe Kim Crowell Andrea Darby

Brian Davis Greg Davis jeff Davis Hill Davis Andrea Dexter Eduardo Dieppa Pat Dolan

Please let me have mail today. Wesley I tall takes a look to check to see if she received any mail.

Sophom*ores 113

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114 People

What's your major? We heard that question a lot during last year? Why are they asking me again? I'm not a first year student anymore. Or, at least I wasn't when I last checlced. Did they suddenly change the number of hours I need to be a sophom*ore here?

Oh, that's right! I have to declare this year. Which means I have to actually dedde what I want to do with my life. I'm too young to do this. Besides, is it really healthy to be planning my life out this early? Didn't some psychiatrist say we were supposed to be spontaneous?

So I have to declare this year. I can do this. It's not that big of a deal. I mean, I can always change my major. It shouldn't take more than another year or ... no, wait- That's money. I need to dedde the right one now. What do llilce? llilce everything. Hmm. I have to lilce something better than anything else. What do llilce to do, then? llilce to bum around. Oh, great. That's it. 111 major in aeative bumming. Don't I wish!

This is frustrating! Why do I have to plan my life out now? Ml just pick my favorite class and declare it What is that, anyway? Economics- I can live with that. Maybe it's not so bad planning my life out. It's ldnd of neat.

Now, where's the registrar's office?

jennifer Eason Robert Echols

Stuart Eddings Kent Edgterton

Emily Edson Leann Eggers

Elise Eidemiller

Daniel EUis Amanda Ellison

Eric Elms Erica Emig

jennifer Erkulwater Elisabeth Estes

Tara Evans

Melinda Ewert jay Ezelle

jason Farrar Katherine Federline

Robin FolloweU Tiffany Ford

Meredith Foster

Ariana French Carol Freyer

Katherine Garrett Amy Gibson

Thomas Gieselmann jason Gilhens

Ross Gohlke

Brett Goldston Trey Gonzales

Jodi Grace Patricia Hall

Sarah Hall Wesley Hall

Donna HaUoran

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O h no! What Have I eaten? Suddenly realize they didn't know what it was they had just eaten, the problem was- it was suprisingly d e licious.

Mary Ellen Hamel Andrew Hamilton As hley Hamilton EHse Harbin Emily Hardman Camille Harris EH,..abeth Harris

Angie Harrison Allyson llawks Gerrad lleep Cyde llenderson Naomi llerlJ' >he lby Hester Rocky l likalgo

Katie Hiestand Mary Margre t I lines Bryan l lolzwanger Libby llouk Laurin Howell Weimin Hu Joe Huffine

David Humphreys Christina Hunington Eliz.1beth Irvin Tony Jackson Rache l Jacobs Jennifer Jenkins Andrew Jeter

Ian Jo hn Spencer Johnson Sheila Jones Sonya Jones Lori Joubert Stacy Katz Angela Kee

Sophom*ores 115

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11 6 People

Don Keeney Danny Kelly Marian Kelly julie Keltner

joel Kidd Pat rick Killian

Elitabeth Knight

Buck Knott Charles Kahn

ina Ko kotas Carl Kramer

Angela Krueter Amy Kronin

Brian Kuns

Tomoka Lanaili Adin Lara

Danielle Larson Renee La tendresse

Davi!. L.1ug hlin john Leach

Caroline Lenac

Bobby Light Martin Linville Andrea Loeser

jo hn Lott Amy Ludwikowski

Kalina Luster jenny Lynn

Laura Lyons Rob Macmillan

Cecilia Magnacca johnMartin

Jonathon Martin Melissa Martin Vaughn Massie

Kemp Maxwell Rachell McCall john McMalla

Gwendolyn McCarroll Andrea McDowell

Cris ty McDowell Brian McGeorge

joel McLure L.1ne Me ab Rj McSorley

Sarah McVoy Diane Melby

Mark Mihalevich Lisa Miles

Stephanie Miller jay Minter

Carmie Mitchell Brent Moberly

Robert Mohundro Robert Moore

William Moore

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Erik Moraltka Andrea Mosby ChmMycr<. Cam1lle apier Rachel elo;on

Tom Obcrding Amy Oberhelman Tamani Okano John Olhphant lanOnley Elitabcth Orcehohcr James Ovington

Toi Page JuhcPalmer Molly Pasc<tl Elitabcth l'allerson Judd l'c.llo.. Ana Mana PanY Marg.uct PettyJOhn

Ken Phelps Emily Phipp:, Christina P1erce Melinda Pomeroy Chri<. Proll Failhe Proulx Jimmy RaCiec

Timothy Ramsey Katherine Randall K.1lie Randolph

Jason Raub David Ray Ryon Rayford Natalie Reid

Kyla Reynolds Libby Rich Chip R1ggs Cabc Riclo..ard Keith R1vcrs Alii Robbms

Sophom*on..>s 117

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118 People

Z ZZ'lll.. Lookes like Camille Harris was tudying so hard that he fell right asleep. Hope she wakes up before the lock up the library!

Krisin Roberts Rebecca Robertson

Audra Robinson Chris Robinson

Alex Rogers Stephanie Rogers

Andrea Rose

jus tin Rose Vanessa Ross

Stiles Rougeau Meg Rue

Mi~y Rundt Andy Russell Elizabeth Sale

Rebecca Sanchez Brook Saunders

Melissa Scandlyn Jonathon Schilling

Kris in Schofield Stephanie Schutz

Shelby Scott

Sarah Scars VimaiShah

Margaret Sharp Steve Shaw

l lunter Shepard Emery Shier

Carrie Shollmier

Owen Shull jamieSisk

john Slater William Slatom

Avery Sloan Erin Smith

Steve Smith

Matt Solomon josh Somes

Robyn Stone Michelle Stuart

james Stump Welch Suggs

Laura Swords

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Amy Tayolor Richa rd Tay lor Terel><1 Tenpenny Brad Terhu rc Katie Terrell Chandra Thakker

ickolette Tho mas

Sheree Thomas Pat Thompson james Todd Julie Tomblin Lisa Tomlinson jcnnalie Travis Martin Tull

Jim Turner Stuart Turner Stephen Ursery Victo r Vellejo Charlotte Viencr Raychellet Wade Riddell Wallcott

julie Wa lker Kaym Walters Allison Wannamaker lnga Warr jason Wa tkins Michelle Welch Stepha nie We,son

llunter West atasha Westrich

Stewart Whaley Aubry Whitaker Charles Wilg us Jr. Julie Wilkins Chris Williams

Richard Willia ms Scott Williams Robyn Williamson

icole Williford Chris Wii!.On Michael Winterrowd Brian Wirth

Leah Wise Ron Wo rkmo1n Rilchel Wortham Gretchen Wright Lan Yin Melessa Young Robert Zeig ler

Sopho morelo 11 9

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120 People

jacob Abraham Geraldine Aeba

Emily Aiken Kimberly Alexander

joy Al-jurawl Marcie Allen Daniel Alpe

Melissa Andresen Rick Angle

Brooke Arnold jeremyBailey

atalie Bailey jenny Baker

Mary Beth Bankson

Brandi Barnes Cortney Bateson

Matt Bettridge Brian Biffle

Anna Bishop Michael Blanscet james B. Bogner

Myles Bogner Matt Bonica

Martha Bray jane Brigden

Alejandra Briseno Amy Brooks Allen Brown

Scott Brown Vicky Brown Marcy Bryan

Michael Buntaino jon Burchfield Stanley Bucke Frank Burhart

Brooke Burris Margaret Bush

Nicole Calhoun Paula Carrigan

Tom Castelli

Field Day Aftermath. Todd Lock, jay Mascaghi, and Allen Brown share a laugh after having an up-close

and personal view of the tug-of-war mud pit. Rumor has it that Williford actually beat Glasselllhis year!

.. -fi J. • • - ~

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Chris C hastain John Chau vin Ravi Chauhan Amy Chifici Sarah Clark Karla Clinga n Kate co*ckrill

Abigail Cohen Elizabeth Coleman Amy Cooper Brya n Cones Katherine Conti Nyleva Corley Arnold Crespo

Magan Crowell Philip Crystal Catherine Cuellar John Curren Ill John Dalton Britt Daniel Phil Darnell

Melissa Denley Mason Denton Stephen Oeusner Brad Deykin Lynn Dillard Andrea Dickerson Amy Dollarhide

Anne Donaldson Michael Dowdy Rob Downey Claire Dudley Doug Duncan Chris Drake Whih1ey Earhart

Derek Eaton Danny Ellinger Katherine Embee Michael Enhnan Joanne Estes

Come on everybody. Join in and dance in th ampithcatre. It's lots o f fun and a great break from unpacking!

First Year Students 121

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122 Pt.>ople

David Eubanks Eleanore Eyster

Leslie Farnsworth Mary Beth Farr

Jennifer Farringer Mike Federico

Ryan Feeney

Melissa Feliberty Patrick Fisher Lara Aeming

Smily Ainn Steele Ford

Jennifer Foster Angie Fox

Martin Fox Kris ten Frentz

Sarah Frinks Andy George DipakGhosh

Kevin Gideon Mayme Claire

Blaine Godwin Chris Godwin

Eliz.1beth Goings Ray Goldsworthy

Eric Gordon Valerie Gordon

Lane Gotten

Heather Green Mandy Griffith

Paul Guibao Kristy Gunn

Rebecca Habeeb Amy Hall Avis HaU

Whether you noticed it or not, there were a lot of new people on campus this fall discovering a lot of new things. One of the first things they disoovered was that they were not freshmen. They were "first year students". Next, these "first year students" were surprised to discover that Rhodes is a very open community.

The first evidence of this openness was Mystery Theater. Other big surprises for the first year students were the bathrooms in the "residence halls". Williford has walk-through bathrooms, GlasseD has bathrooms in the rooms, and Bellingrath has urinals.

Some students said they discovered what "keg stands" were and what "floating the keg" and "beer goggling" mean (Of course, if they weren't 21 surly these discoveries were not first hand knowledge). Other students discovered the meanings of "grubbing" and "shacking". Some names of places new to the first year students were the "air strip", the "Rat". Going on Ratnicb and attending mUoquium groups were also new activities for these students. But, don't worry, they learned other educational thinp too. Their two new Vocabu­lary words for the year~ "sweet" and "random".

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I'm here! Cindy llumble hollers to the Gamma Phi's as she runs- I ley you. Yea you! llere I come!

James llarr Al llammer !leather llflmby Shehnd Hameed Pamela !!anson Anne llard wick Matt llargrove

John llavercamp Michaelllayes Michaelllenson Laura Kicks Chris llicky Nick llingel Gerald Harring to n

Ma ry Kent Harrison Rob !Iarrison Michaell lart TI1UThi lloang Shelley lloffmann Jeb I loge Kandace llolladay

Nikki Hol7hauler Charles I looker Melissa llo utcoopcr Aaron I louts Jenifer I lowe Mary Nancy I lubbard Karen Huddleston

Chris tie !luff Cindy !tumble Ama1.iah I lunter Anna llurayt Mathew llutchinson lan Irwin Deedce Isbell

Fi rst Year Students 123

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124 People

Amlx>r lsom Allen jackson

Charles james II Angela jenkins Albert Johnson

Mall hew Jo hnson Vanessa jo hnson

Julie johns ton Karen jones

jennife r Juliano Richard Kamm Ben Karanaugh

Bryan Keehl Hillary Keller

Rachel Kelly Ally&<>n Kennett I leather Kirsky

Daniel Kirsch Daniel Klinghard

Sandi Klotwog Anna Koopman

Sara Kraubel Emily Kurzeka Beth Lacaeyse

Lorella Lambert john Langdon

Danielle LaRavia Jeff Larkin

jennifer Larson Chris Laster

jennife r Laughlin Mark Leavenworth

Chris Ledford Jamee Lee

jennife r Lee

Jo Lee Michael Lee

Julie-Ann Lcl*to Liana Lcordeann

Natasha Lewis Karin Lichterman

Laura Lind ley

Ring around the roses. Enoug h circles, can't we fall yet?

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O h joy.This group is so excited about their new schedules for the semester they can hardly s tay in their chai.rs.

( >

Allison Lindsey Todd Locke Amy Lounsbury Caroline Love David Luchin Whitney Luckett Hank Marchal

Elizabeth Marshall Jay Mascaghi Kevin Mathews Susan Mathis C inna Maxwell Matthew Maybach Caldwell Meeks

Cortney Melchers Emily Merriweather Patrick McCarroll Ann McCranie Tracy McElmurray Chris tina McFarland Jason McFarland

Page McMullen Bancroft McMurphy Nicole McNa ll Hallie McNeill Meredith Miller Rachcle Miller Dani Millner

Joseph Montminy Brian Mooney Elizabeth Moore Emily Moore Heather Moore Marce Moreno Jon Michael Morgan

John Mory Darian Mostashari Frank Murray Ginny ca l Meredith Ann eer

First Year Students 125

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126 People

Gregory York eill Elvabeth ew

Catherine ew Phuong Nguyen

Phuong-Linh Nguyen Julie Nichols

Pete Noll

Hillary Obrecht Richard O'Brien

Carrie O'Dell Kristin Oswalt

G. David Overend David Parker

Edward Parker

Christopher Parkerson Alpesh Patel

Delores Patterson Rebecca Patterson

Dea Peach Mark Pennebaker

Athena Petropoulos

Jason Pettigren Jenny Phillips

Erin Pias Frank Pinkerton

Jarred Pittman I leather Plumb Courtney Poole

Will Powell Emoke Pulay

Rachel Rack llansen Rada

Jessica Raimey Will Rainey

Michael Rasolino

Heather Rawls Robert Rex Record

Robert Renjel Adam Renshaw

I leather Reynolds Jennifer Rezba

Timothy Rhodes

Virginia Richards Patrick Ricks

Danny Riederer Buvana Rajanna

Morris Rivera Meg Roberts

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Clair RobcrtM)n Duane Robicht~u'l. John Rodrigue Jamre Roeling Ah-.on ROl~ler M.ul<~ RtlU., Jei>!tiCil Rood

John Ro~ Eli~ Ruddick Damon Ruckel MyiL~ Ru!>!>ell Brandon Ruth><.lgl' Cor<'y S.1ba ShaySabom

Eric S..1int-Ehe Jorge S.1hnas Joanne Samaha Joe Sankey Jeff S..1nders Van S.wagc Jacquehne Sch,lfn41UWr

Jill Schenk WrllScay ShailyShah Kerri Sheard jennrfer Shepard II ugh Shockey Tracey Short

Shannon Simpson Christy SJ..elton Carey SIJnner Astrid Smith Chrblle Smith J. Edgerton Smith Lucille Smith

Marg<uct Smrthpetcr Billie Ann Snodgra~., Alexander Soloptw Chri., Sorensen Robrn Spann Li'Hl Stanley Cynthra Stephens

Stephen Stephenson Michael Stoker Kcllr Sutherland Amber Tate Adrian Taylor Kristen Taylor

First Year Student., 127

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128 People

Brooks Teller C hip Thomas joey Thomas

Wesley Thompson Chris tie Tomasz

Amy Toole Kelley Truelove

Ferebee Tun no Jason Turns

Gibson Turley Ill Chris Tyler

Steve Wagner james Richard Walker

Ama nda Waller

Tracy Walton Brian Wamhoff

joseph Wantuck jennifer Warren

Allison Watt Brian Watt

Danita Weary

jennifer Lynn Welch Sarah Welford

Cassandra Whetsell Patricia Whitehurst

Shane Willerton Mathew Williams

Shannon Williams

Jennifer Wilson Jill Wilson

john Allen Wilson Peter Wilson Cort Winsett

Heather Wolak Maryl Valentine

FeliL. Vazguiz Ann Visser

Kim Vu Andrei Yesaulov

M<~ ry Clare Younger George Ziets

You're going to make us do that? The Tri Delta pledges are studying together under the watchful eye of Carol Freyer.


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Academics Division

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Views on What? The new academic year ushered in a revised and new-improved student alcohol policy (the details of which can't be gone into here due to their ama7ing complexity). The policy was heralded by administration as the great compromi e between the need of the college for an establi hed policy regard­ing alcohol and the desire of the student body to be allowed to make their own choices. Students saw the policy as confusing and just plain weird . The best way to

get an objective view then, seemed to be to a k a mos tly objective third party, the faculty. This too presented problems. When a ked what they thought of the whole thing, the overwhelming respo nse was that, for the most part, they didn't. A few, of course, did concede that they held an opinion, some even claiming that their opinion was very strong, but most refused to divulge what that opinion might be because they were either too short on time or were afraid their opinions would be unpopular with either administration or students. On the whole, the responses were best summed up by history professor Lynn Zastoupil, who aid, regarding the new policy, that he thought "very few faculty members are terribly familiar with its details." One professor suggested that faculty members shou ld firs t be made aware of the details of the policy, then asked for an opinion. So, in the end, the teachers, when they think about the new policy at all, seem to be every bit as confused as the students, and everyone is left wondering: just what exactly is this thing about the wrist bands?

Jack Abell Bette Ackerman

Lawrence Anthony Ellen Armor Shira Baker

Allen Barnhardt Thomas Barr

Richard Batey John &nsko

Dee Birnbaum

Ca rol Blankenship Ben Bolch

Frank Bradley Jennifer Brady Milton Brown

130 Acad~mic!>

Cathy Carl~. bccau~ sh~ is under twenty-one and b therefore unable to get the newly-required wristbands, is drinking a non­alcoholic drint....

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That hit the spot. Dina Faddis takes a break from lhe Spring Ring activites. Profeswrs and >tudent'> workl'<i together to beautify the campus.

A beautiful day outside. Martin LeRoy, Lise Middleton, and Laura Porter enJOy a httle tame at the ~tadlUm where alcohol is prohib1tt>d regardl~s of age.

llaliburton Tower

"l wanted freedom, freedom to indulge in whatever caprice struck my fancy, freedom to search in the further mo t corners of the earth for the beautiful, the joyous and the romanti ."

The Royal Road to Romance

Faculty 131

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The. Burrow Library

"A good name is rather to be cho en than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold"

john Bruhwiler Bob Byer

Martha Christian ja mc Clifton

Tom Cloa r

john Copper Gail Corrington

Daniel Cullen Vanessa Dickerson Horst Dinkelacker

Michael Drompp Carol Ekstrom

Robert Entzminger Mar ha Evans Cookie Ewing

132 Ac.1dmcic.

Proverbs 22:1

Test files? Amy Power · and Cayce Stapp tudy the best way they know, with each other. They are conversing abou t upcoming tests. The only advatage being used here is study buddies.

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Advantage? Professor Clifford Fox contemplates the idea of the greek system providing an ad vatage d ue to networking.

Elizabeth Feder Bill Felice Catherine Fletcher Steve Gadbois jane Gamble

Tony Garner Betty Gilow Helmuth Gilow Rabel Hahn Douglas Hatfield

Steve Haynes Terry Hill Cary Holladay Herbert Huser Patricia Gray

Fair Advantage? Many soro rities and fraternitie on campus have organized test files. This is a fi le in which the active members usually put their old tests, according to subject. Both active members and pledges are free to usc these resources whenever needed to help them to prepare for an upcoming test. Pledges and members of the sorority a re encouraged to use the test file if it is believed tha t a past test may help her because good scholar hip is promoted within all sororities. Is using a file cheating? Most professors at Rhodes a re aware of the exis ting test fi les and therefore change their test questions from year to yea r. How­ever, some professors do not necessa rily approve of them. Professor Chris Wetzel of the psychology department, when asked if he opposed the use of test files, said, "Yes, 1 do. From year to yea r I don't like to change test ques­tions. It takes a lot of time and effort to think of questions that truly te t the students' knowledge of the subject. And I also don't like them for a more subtle reason. Students use them as a study method . It would be okay if they used them as practice tests, but they don't." Ls it unfair to others for sororities to have test files? Amy Toole, an indepen­dent, sa id, "Yes, I think it's unfair. But I don't not like the sororities for it. All the independents could get together and make their own test file if they wanted . There just a ren't as many independents." The fina l, possibly mo t important question concerning test files is, do they really help, or do they only mis lead a student into thinking that they a re useful? After a iJ, many of the teachers do make up new tests each time. But according to Sarah Frinks, they arc very beneficial. "I think they help a ton. I've used ours for three different classes. It didn't help me much to look at tests by other professors, but it did help when I looked at pa t tests from my professor. Especially being a freshman, r didn't know wha t to expect, so they gave me some sort of an idea."

Test fi les 133

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New Additions As with each school year, several new members were added to the faculty. In fact, there were eight new fu ll-time faculty, five wi th only term a ppointments. The full-time facul ty included two assistant professors of Engli h, Ca ry l lolladay and Mark Winokur. Rahel Hahn and Yoshinori Sasaki, both assista nt professors, joined the foreign language depa rtments, teaching German and japane e, respectively. The international studies department welcomed two assistant pro fessors, llcrbert Huser, a Latin Am rica specialist, and Na ncy Mitchell, w hose focus is American foreign policy. The physics and his tory depa rtments both received one new facul ty member. Assista nt professor joan Schmelz joined the physics department, instructor Wins ton S. McDowell the hi tory department. McDowell first became aware of Rhod es th roug h his acquaintance with a former faculty member, and was further attracted by the fact that Rhodes is a "liberal art college in an urba n setting" with the "historic black popula tion providing outlets" for his study of Afro-American society. Five taught in term a ppointments. Assistant professor William Felice in interna tion stud ies, ins tructor Clifford Fox in political science, instructor Eric Heneger in the foreign language depa rtment, professor Valerie Kukharenko in Russia n, a nd assistant professor Kenneth Ya rnell in mathmatics/computer science. Yarnell was impres ed by the s tudents. "They seem to work hard and are concerned with how well they do. Also. I like the atmosphere- the relation­ship between the students and the teachers."

Wasfy lskander Joyce Jacob en

Alanjaslow Billie jenkins

David Jeter

Tom jolly Elizabeth Ka mhi

Mehran Kamrava David Kesler

Mike Kirby

Leslie Kurtzalm Larry Lacy jim Lanier

Mike Ledgerwood Sue Legge

134 Academics

Velocity controls it. joan Schmelz demonstrates a physics theory wilh her new students

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And here is Brazil. Professor II user shows his class where BraLil is located while talking about what has been going o n lately.

jie Li BoLin Terri Lindqucster Robert Llcwllyn Darlene Loprete

Harold Lyons Richard Lyons Cynthia Marshall Richard Martin David McCarthy

Gai l McClay Winston McDowell Tom McGowan Steven McKenzie Michael McLajn

The Frazier Jelke Science Center

"The end of our foundation is the knowledge of causes and secret motions of things; and the enlarg­ing of the bounds of human em­pire, to the effecting of all things possible."

Sir Francis Bacon

~--New profec:sors 135

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Beyond Books In addition to the traditional methods of learning in the classroom, most college students further their efforts through several alternatives offered. Students often ga in much experience in their area of s tudy through intern­ships which arc available in twelve academic departments. They a re de­signed to combine the trnditional academic work with practical application for credit. Gary Lindquestcr, coordinator of the intern program for the biology depart­ment, felt that "before investing the time in graduate study, it's nice to do an internship." They help to "cement interests in that field." International studies professor Andrew Michta agreed there were advan­tages. "An internship gives real job experience so your resume looks differ­ent, expo es a student to the real international bu ines environment or to how the government operates, and is often a way of ecuring a job at a time when you can still afford it." Other helpful facilities are located on the ca mpus, including the library system (including the Burrow Library, four departmental collections in biology, chemistry, mathematics, a nd music, and the Human Relations Area File in the anthropology I sociology d epartment), and the language center and MacLab in Buckman Hall. Some classes, such as Model UN, provide a more direct experience than the traditional book-learning approach. Jn Model UN, students "get a much better appreciation of wha t the UN is and how it operates through role playing and debate," sa id professor Herbert Huser. "They come to under­stand in more depth a country they may have never known much about-- it broadens their outlook."

Robert Militello Nancy Mitchell

Robert Mortimer Charles Mosby

Mark Muesse

Gail Murray Mike Nelson

Monika enon Vallerie Nollan

Carol O'Connor

john Olsen Katherine Owen

Eva Owens Harlie Parish

Robert Patterson

136 Academics

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Brad ford Pe ndley Marcus Pohlman Esperanza Ra lston Tom Robinson Yoshinori Sasa ki

Joan Schmelz Ca royn Schriber Brian Sha ffer Marian Shaffer Yumi Shiojima

Michael Shirley Herb Smith Charles Stinemetz Brian Stua rt R Kie ron Swa ine

Donald Tucker Sally Thomason Gerrit Yerschuur Jim Vest Rose Marie Wang

Marsha Walton C hris Wetzel Cha rles Wilkinson Kenneth WiiJiams James Williamson

Mark Winokur Kathcryn Wright Valerie Ziegler

Professors 137

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Gooch Hall

"To do the very best I can with what l have."

B.A. Gooch

Did you go to class? When studying in the library, it is sometimes helpful to have a classmate arou nd to answer questions.

138 Academics

Faster than the speed of light. This student is trying out the new gym facilities instead of stud

Simpsons! Kathrine Goodloe, Jennifer Short and Drew Henry take a break from studying to watch TV in the Vorhies social room.

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Fun or HORROR. Jason Hamilton takes advantage of the Maci ntosh computers to learn 1-2-3-Lotus for class

Heating up. A group of students studjes in the am pi theatre in the bright sun.

Study or Break? Study groups are common, but the question is, do they help, or are they just a method of procrastination? According to Mandy WaJier, "Study groups work if you are disciplined." Junior Tonya Vaughn djsagreed. "Study groups just tum into gossip ses­sions." Added Cindy Humble, "lf they are with potential dates, they never work!" Despite varying opinions, s tudy breaks are still popu lar. In fact, first-year Seach s tudents are encouraged to organze their own s tudy groups and many departments, such as biology and math, offer organized study sessions before tests. Of course, there are always the times when a friend calls you up, interrupting the intensive biology cramming session, to suggest a break at the Pub. Study breaks are a vital part a student's life, whether the preferred location is the Pub, TCBY or Perkins. TV provided an enjoyable diversion for many who frequented social rooms or the Pub, which has the big screen. Movies, which are available in the library, were another study break favorite. Also popular was using the time to stay in shape, using the equipment in the gym or taking a walk or jog. Any time spent away from the books with friends helps relieve the s tress caused by a rough schedule.

Study breaks 139

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"The skill of the physician lifts up his head, and in th pre ense of great men he is admired ."

-Ecclesias ties -The Berthold 5. Kennedy Chemistry Hall

Chris Buchanan and Bryan Shelby !>how their support for Chnton and Gore by attending the ra lly and cheering on their candida tes.

140 AcademiC!>

Bcd.y Miller <1nd jennifer llawkins iltlendcd the mlly a t the Pyramid for the Dcmucr.1tic team.

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Ch.HIL~ &:hafer, Patty Fitzgera ld, and Wesley Thomp;.on join the crowd gilthcred in the Pub to Willch Lhc Vicc-prl~idental dcbaiL>s.

RhodL~ olll"gC was rcprL"'Cnll>d ill the C linton/Core rally due largely to the efforts of organizations to provide transportation to the event downtown.

Activism Flares Rhodes campus came alive with political spirit during the 1992 pres idential campaign. This trend was reflected in both the classroom and outside activi­ties. During the fall emester particula rly, the campaign was a popu lar topic in many political science classes. In Professor Swain's U.S. Politics course, Clyde l lenderson said they "d is-cus ed [which candidatel would do well in what states and went through the electora l college and talked about why Bill C linton was going to win."

During these discussions, Swain predicted that Clinton wou ld receive 41 5 of the electoral votes, which was clo e to the final re ult to 356 votes. Students in Profes or Fox's Ma Media and Politics course worked on re­search projects that dealt with the election in various forms. The class concen­trated particularly on s tud ying the television coverage of the election. Profes or Nelson, two weeks prior to the election, decla red it was "a ll but certain that Bill Clinton I wou ld I win the election." Nelson, and expert on the presidency, di cu ed the topic in length in his course on the American pre idency. Away from the classroom, the College Democrats, which con isted of many students from Clinton's home state, were busy with activities such as making signs at the ca mpaign headquarters the night before Clinton's appearance at the Pyramid and transporting s tudents to the rally. They also published CD Sounds, a page of editorials written by club member to inform s tudents of Clinton's key policies. A new issue was distributed in the Rat every Monday for students to read . College Republicans also ra llied around their ca ndidate. They cheduled meetings that enabled them to listen to Rush Limba ugh's program. They also orga nized parties, during which they watched the debates. Memphis State and Shelby County Republican contact often joined Rhodes' students to discuss the election. Independent Ro s Perot was a lso represented, with signs appearing across campus prior to the election encouraging students to vote for Perot. Students were allowed to gather in Blount Auditorium in Buckman Hall to view all debates on the big screen.

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142 Acadcmi""

"Art is long, and Time fleet­ing/ "

- Longfellow Hugo M. Dixon Art Wing


Gabc Rik.1rd and Su!Kin Mason depict life in Germany during the 1920s.

jenn Welch and Chad McCt.-e practice their dance scene during rehear<.al<..

C had M cGL'C lai..L·~ a break off-same from I he rigo~ of performance.

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~.~!~~Bp,o~!!.~ numerous opportunities for student in volvement in all aspects of theatre. Activities included s tage management, house management, costume and set crews, and ad vertising. Auditions for the productions were open to everyone, even those with no experience. Guest actors and directors were featured periodically, with many performers coming from the Memphis community. The 1992 season included Cabaret and The Fantasticks (performed in repertoire), Sgr.ing Awakening, and As You Like lt. The Music of Cole Porter was the benefit performance of the season.

Merry! Taylor, Lam Babaoglu, and Rachel Wortham carefully apply their stage m,lk~'-up before a performance of C:al2_a~t.

Theatre 143

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Available Alternates For some students, a great attraction of the college was the opportunity for study abroad. Many different programs were available, ranging from an exchange program with a univers ity in Russia to intensive language study programs. The British Studies at Oxford and European Studies programs also attracted many s tudents who wished to broaden their college experience. With study available on almost any continent, students were able to combine education with cultural exchange.

Shan nun Papin, whu traveled tu brae( in order to s tudy the Palestinian and Is raeli cu ltures and learn more about the conOict between the two, took time out fo r s ight-M'Cing with new friends at the Damascus Ga te in Old Jerusalem.

P.1rticipating in the European Studie. program, jennifer Parker ,1nd friends enjoy a ride on thl• Englil.h C hannel.

144 Academics

Mike Augspurger, jennifer l'arker, Trey Ita milton, Angie Elsea, and Liz Rhoades at Oxford, England, as part of European Studies.

Tiw Gloria llotel in Old jerus.1 lem was the home for the Great La nl..c Jerusa lem Program in which Shannon Papin participated.

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Organizalions Division

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Fellowship of Christian Athletes is a nonde­nominational group of students committed to the challenge of know­ing Jesus Christ. The group is open to all student and meets every Wednesd ay night for Bible Studies and prayer.

FCA. Row l(Lto R): Andy Pippenger, Rick Picerno, Chris Prott, Drew Robinson, Robert Record , Candy Shafer, Don Price, Tracy elson, Chrissie Burr, Keri Doyle. Row 2: And rea jone:., jenny johns, Chris Tyler, Dana Chamblee, Kati Randolph, Molly Pascal,

Andrea Rose, Chip Perry, Melissa Young, Coach Wh1taker. Row 3: julie Fergu<;On, lk>ss Feagin, Art RL'COrd, jeff Davi'>, Chri'> Crotwell, Mark Loftis, Scott Brown,Scott llai nl'S, Blake Walker, Steve Smith. ot pictured: Gordon Brewer.

Campus Green, growing strong s ince its founding in 1987, focuses on educating and getting community involvement while continu­ing its recycl ing efforts. As their t-shirts d i play, Campus Green believe that "unless someone like you ca res a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it's not". The group is concerned about learning the effect of waste and consumption on the natura l world .

Campus Green

146 Organi,_.,tionl>

Campus Green. Row I (L toR): Christy Burks, Virg inia Pierce, jeni M,uley. Row 2: Paul Guibao, Teri Sullivan, Brent Moberly, Claire Dudley, Athena Petropoulos, Chand lee Bryan, julie 1chob. Ruw 3: Ed Kiser, Catherine Cuellar, Matt Hardin, Kyla Reynold:., Eli~:abcth Austell.

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BSU> Row I (L to R). Roo.s Coh1de, Andrea R~. Courtn~y Melchers, laura ~1\ .. 'l.lll, Chn~ty 'lllcFarland, Tara Evan,, Carey 'i.1b.1, Rachacl Rae!... Row 2. Rubon B.1ndel, I lolly 11,111, Oan.1 Chambkoe, Davis l..1ulghlln, Robert R~>rord, Cindy, Don Price, Rich.1rd K.1mm, Joe , Anne Gib-.on, john, Mo?IL'o1kl Young. Man.l C.1wood, Kelly Truelove. )a'>On Mdarland. Row '3. Pam llan...,on.Mary Beth B.mkston, Van S.ovo~ge, fdo"VaLqucv., John Br.1tton, Juh<! ochol,, Art Record, O.wid luchon, jcnm juloano, Julie Burford, R.1ndy Graham,, Van~""' john'>On, Charles Griffin (Ooro?Cior), jeremy R.lln(•y, Darnel Khnghard, David Ward, Ahcia Swan'>On

Sou'wester. Row I (L toR). Kathryn Green, U.'Siie Farnsworth, Emily Flinn, Will Seay, Juni Ganguli, Matt liard in, Jason Cormier, Brent Moberly, Joe llardsn, jennifer Larson. Row 2. Tammi tit*worth. Row 3. Chris Pollette, Gayla Bassham(Editor), C lay Combs, Teri Sullivan, Tim Olcott, Jim Turner.

The Sou'wester: An institution whose functions are to "comfort the a fnictred and afnict the comfortable."

s 0 U' w E s T E R

Organi:r~1tions 147

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Pep Band

Math Club

148 Organi.t.ahOn!>

Pep Band. Row 1 {L to R). Peter Wilson, Sum• Sank.uan, Chris PoUette, Tim llamilton. Row 2. Kiel Wilson, Debbie Glenn, Greg Palmer, Tim Olcott, Robyn Williamson, Va nes..<..1 johnson, Anna Hurayt, Sarah Clark, Delores Patterson, jacob Abraham, Tim Smith. Row 3. Russel Willlace, jilson Vest, Anne Gibson, Professor Ziegler, Sarah Wolford . Row 4. Gerry Fernandez, Katie HJt'Stand, Shane Wilson.

Math Club. {L toR): David A'isaf, Andy owe II, Derek Sing h, Rebecca Habeeb, jennifer Wil&on. Not pictured: Pam Baugus, Mike llenson, Cathie Davis, and harlcs Scllilfcr

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International I louse. Row 1 (Ito R). Sara Kraabcl, Tarcy McElmurray, Rossanna PuJValan. Row 2 (L to R). Debbie Glenn, Russell Wallace, Laura Blake, Stephanie Roger.., Judd Peak.

Atnnesty Interna­tional House

Religion Commission

Erik Morat.,:ka, and Nicki Thomas

Organizations 149

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Concern on Stage

COS. Row I (L to R): jennifer Lee, Chris Robinson, Alii Lambert, Amy Toole, jennifer Erkulwater, Katherine McCaa. Row 2: Claire Dudley, Emily Flinn, Frank Murray, Russ Wallace, Mason Denton.

A scene from Tammitopia: "Look for the ridiculous in every­thing and you will find it.

-Jules Renard

South-western Revie-w

ISO Organi7a tions

Southwestern Review. (L to R): Debie Rudder, joe Hardin, Brent Moberly, Eric Smith, Teri Sullivan, Tammi Titwsworth, Ross Gohlke, jason Cormier, Chris tina Hunting ton. Not included: Shezy Hameed.

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IMA. (L to R): Greg Palmer, Meli'iSil McFarland, Anne Cooper, Mike Wilson.

The Admissions Repre entative Organization is a group of elected sophom*ores and juniors who volunteer their spare time to help recruit prospec­tive students to Rhodes College. The students, led by Veronica Lawson, give campus tours through­out the week to perspectives as well as help house and transport visiting students. Their hard work is greatly appreciated during the numerous weekend-long events for prospectives such as the Open Houses, Symposiums, and Bellingrath­Hyde Scholar hip.

ARO. Row I (L to R): Anne Locke. Row 2: julie Palmer, Allyson llawks, Ann Tyler Chot~te, jennifer co*ker. Row 3: jonathan Mftrtin, Frances Patrick, Cayce Stapp, Nikki Thomas. Row 4: Amy Taylor, Rachel Nelson, john Loll, Riddell Walcott. Row 5: Beth Webster, Clyde llcndcrson, Debic Rudder, Bryan co*ker. Row 6: Dorian jones, jaci Adams, john Cameron, Buck Knott. Row 7: Erick johnson, RQl>sanna Punzalan.


Organizations 151

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College Democrats

Rhodes College Democra ts, chartered in April1992, is a dynamic, di verse group of individ ua ls who work to support and further the goals of the Democratic Party and its candidates both on the Rhodes campus and in the Memphis community. major projects this year have included voter registration, the establishment of a weekly campus newsletter, economic and educa tiona l issues releva nt to the 1992 general election, and the mobili­zation of over 150 students, faculty, and sta ff to local Clinton/Gore rallies this fall.

c s p A

Committee for Social and Political Action

152 Organia~tions

College Democrats. Row 1 (Lto r). jennifer Erkulwater, Clyd e Henderson, Caprice Roberts, Julia Tarver. Row 2. Tim Olcott, EmjJy Pouza r, Thais Davenport, Jennifer Horton, Allison Wannamaker. Row 3. Martin Fox, Sam Wood s, Mary Elizabeth Chaney.

CSPA. (L to R) . Ka thryn Green, Liz Boucher, Jenny Kim, Chris Robinson, Ayesha Vawda, Robin Ba nd el, Greg Palmer.

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I l ~

Amnesty Interna­tional

Amnesty international. (L toR). Cayce Stapp, Catherine Cuellar, James Harr, Stephanie Rogers, Allison Wannamaker.


David Lutschg Dawn-Renee Powell

DavidWard C.Q.M.M.U.N.E.

Rhodes Outdoor Club We boldly go where everyones fone before­

But we have more fun! Co-Directors: Sumi Sankaran Mike Augspurger

Organi7a tions 153

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SRC The SRC is a peer adjudi­cative body and appellate cou rt for tudents groups. The SRC is also a link between the student body and the faculty administration. Finally, the SRC servers in a advisory capacity by making recommendation for social policies.

Social Regualtions Council. Row 1 (L to R). Carter Bryars, Silva Gitsas (President), Erik Moratzka, Allison Wemmers, Natalie Bailey, jason Carmel. Row 2. Allison Nowlin, josh Almond, Michael Entrnan, Loretta Lambert. Not Pictured: James Scherer (Vice President), judy Brown (Co Secretary), Michael Bowen (Co Secretary), Greg Moffitt, Amber Khan, Allie Lambert, Brandi Rogers, Allyson llawks, 1 ferman Wilkins.

Panhellenic Council

15-1 Organi1..1tions

Panhellen ic Council. Row 1 (L toR). Susan Crutcher (VP Programming), Merryl Taylor (VP Rush), Kerri Miller (President), Nancy Braam (Secretary), Mindy Simon (Treasurer). Row 2. Jennie Beth Harris, Karen Marr, Katherine Kennedy, Caroline Knight, Wendy Young, Susa n Ewart, Katherine Goodloe, Sara Blankenship.

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LYNX This is the wonderful group who has spent countless hours putting together this terrific yearbook. Tha t just about sums up everything we do.

LYNX. (L toR). Stacy Katz, Kristin White, Greg Palmer, Jennifer Horton, Jennifer Wilson, Elizabeth Young, Brooke Burris. Not Pictured: Amanda Coe, Debie Rudder, Liz Goings, Ji Han, Jennifer Rezba, Melissa Denley, jennifer Buhl, j ennalie Travis, Melinda Ewert, Julie Johnston, Judd Peak, Karen Marr, jackie Heiter, Danielle Larson, Rebecca Patterson, Diane Melby, Troy Roddy, Thomas Johnson, Jennifer Autry, Ravi Chauhan. Photographers (Also not pictured): Elizabeth Timmons (Photography Editor), Chris Pollette, Stacy Katz, Ross Gohlke, Stephen Deusner, Sean Lee, Dan Milner, Athena Petrepoulos.

Ki nney Coordina tors: (L to R). Lisa Mancini, Jennie Beth Harris, Beth Webster, Susa n Fondren, Gayla Bassham, Trent Taylor. Not Pictured: Laura Porter.

The Kinney Service Program began in 1957, named in honor of the late Professor Laurence F. Kinney, founder of the program. Kinney has become an integral part of life a t Rhodes, making a valuable contribution to campus life, the Memphis community, and beyond . Volunteers serve in a va riety of capacities, ranging from the soup kitchen, tutoring and literacy programs, Big Brothers/ Big Sisters to hospital care, crisis counseling, a nd environmental activities. The program involves almost one fourth of the faculty and s tudents of Rhod es CoJJege who subscribe to the Kinney motto, "Serving Neighbors in Need."

OrganiL.alions 155

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156 Organizations

Asia. Row 1. (L to R) Lan Nguyen, Nannie Boone, Rose Okano, Alfred Ni. Row 2. Meiko Sonoda, Renee Pardieck, Christy Burks, Gayla Bassham, Tammi tit*worth. Row 3. Dipak Ghosh, Chip Brian, Juni Ganguli, Shezy Hameed , Yu-Wen Wang, Ayesha Vawda.

Fodd Commission. (L to R) Bryan Holzwanger, Aaron Brenner, Kyla Reynolds, Marcjana Lund, Todd Brya nt, Chand lee Bryan, Yves Rouglct, Amy Oberhelman

Food Cotntnission

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Student Assembly "The following is a mission s tatement that was written and adopted by the Assembly, and the ideas represented by these words give the essence of this organization's purpose.

-The Rhodes College Student Assembly is a repre­sentative governing body that strives to understand and respond appropriately to campus concerns; we are committed to serving the Rhodes Community proactively and reactively while fostering an atmoshpere of progress and change."

FCA. Row 1. (L toR) Brandi Rogers, Rossanna Punzalan, Laura Porter, Nicki Soule, Caroline Love, Nancy Turner, Clyde Henderson, Natasha Westrich, Dina Facklis, Andrea Rose, Yo Johnson. Row 2. Amy Taylor, juni Ga nguli, Becky Sanchez, Greg Palmer, Joe Sanky, jeanette Davis, Elizabeth Knight, Mary Nancy Hubbard, jennifer Larson, Bernal Smith, Kelley Truelove, Don Price, Erick johnson, Thomas Gieselman, Rob Jarrett, Drew Henry, Jim Turner. Not Pictured: Tara Odie, Merryl Taylor, Lynn Crabb, Kara Elliot, Debbie Reed, Erik Moratzka, Nicki Thomas, Chand lee Bryan, Marcjana Lund, Chris Buchanan, Nina Chouthuri, Katherine McCaa, Doug Bacon, Forrest Conner, Mallory Jenkins, john Rogers.

IFC IFC. Row 1. (L to R) Chris Gilreath, joey Dudek, Bret Cullum. Row 2. Bibb Lamar, Mark Strickland, Dan Ca rl, Mark Manno, Adam Parr. Row 3. Michael Bowen, Chris Kollme, Carter Bryars, David Hester, Martin LeRoy, James Lacy.

Organizations 157

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Society for

Creative Society for Creative Anachronism. (L toR) Jim Lamplug h, Christy Skelton, Anna Hurayt.


c s A

158 Organit.ations

CSA. Row 1. (L to R) Rossa nna Punzalan (CSA coordina tor), Thu Hoang, jennifer Farringer, John Ro e, Kim Vu, Catherine Coza rt, David Assaf, Hea ther Moore, Father Bob Ewing. Row 2. Erin Pias, Amy Coney, Natasha Westridge, Dani Boyce, Mike Rosolino, Sarah Wolford, Vincent Sa tor, Bonnie Binkley. Row 3. Tom Oberding, Eddie Dieppa, Mike Gonda, Bryan Cones, jerry Harrington

CSA celebrates the Mass together every Sunday at 5:30 in the Orgill Room. CSA also has a Wednesday night socia l and rosary. Anyone is invited !

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Habitat. Sky. Cami Buffington, Cindy Humble, josh Almond, Christy Burks. Roof. Pam Hanson, James Harr, Jennie Beth Harris. WaUs. Sara Krabel. Door. Merry I Taylor. Bot­tom: Ravi Chauhan, Hea ther Hankla Neely.

Habitat Habitat for Humanity is an ecumeni­cal ministry which reponds to the overwhelming need for low-income; dignity housing all over the world. Building becomes more than a shelter, it becomes awareness and empowerment. Building is love, for a ll humanity, in action.


Link. (L toR) Inga Warr, Elizabeth Young, Stephanie Rogers, Nancy Turner, Rossanna Punzalan.

Organi7.a tions 159

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College Repub­licans

Chess Club

College Republicans. Front (L to R). Nancy Turner, Jeff Carlton, Tim Hamilton, Robert Record, Jim Wilkerson, jenny johns, Andrea Jones, Judy Brown, Missy Motichek, John Lott, John Little. TV: Rush LimbaughBack (L to R). Robert Browning, Ric Crowder, Lise Middleton, Mark Loftis, Bess Feagin, Ravi Chauhan, Brandi Barnes, Melissa Young.

Chess. (L to R). David Assaf, Tim Olcott, Sarah, Ferebie, Peter Wilson.

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Model UN. Row I (L toR} Brian Shelby, Debbie Glenn, Sarah Wolford, Phuong-Linh Nguyen, Russell Wallace, Laura Benson. Row 2. !leather Moore, Cimal Shah, john Loll, Bryan Cones, Ann McCra;nie, Rossanna Punzalan, Laura Lindley. Row 3. Thu lloang, IGm Vu, Stephanie Rogers, Daniel Klinghard, judd Peak, Trent Taylor, Sponsor- llubcrt lluescr, Jamie Bogner, jennifer Autry, Phil Darnell. Not pictured: jason Briggs Cormier, Michael Dowdy, Kevin Gideon, Stanley Barke, D.C. Dra!..e, julie Nichols, Sh<lne Willerton, Dana Chamblee, Mason Denton, Laura Lee Dorman, Dipa!.. GhOl.h, Heather Green, Mike I Jenson, Meissa lloutcopper, Brian Keehl, Emily Kurzeka, Tracy McElmurray, Will Powell, Chris Robinson, Eli!>e Ruddick, Debbie Sirratt, Shea Ainn, joanne Samaha, Silva Gis.,s, Michelle McCormick, Caroline Knight, Allison L:aRocca, john Little, Nancy Braam.

Model UN

Rhodes College Chapter Membership David Assaf Caroline Knight Laura Benjamin Allison LaRocca N annie Boone Lisa Mancini Lynette Breedlove Katherine McCaa Jeanne Chadwick Richard Miller Erin Coleman Greg Moffitt Harper Cook Jeff Mullins Thais Davenport Tacy Nelson Doris Dixon Greg Palmer Steve Dodrst Lina Parikh Dina Facklis Debbie Glenn Drew Henry Rob Jarret Vo Johnson Cassie Kasun Jenny Kim

Laura Porter Donald Price Sumi Sankaran Nicki Soule Philip Spradling Julia Tarver Rob Walcott

Organizations 161

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Kappa Delta. Row 1 (L to R). Kelly Petro, Denise Ceulc, Davis Laughlin, Liza Scott, Amanda Kronin, Laura Benjamin, Nina Choudhuri, Susan Fondren, Abby Markward, Michelle Welch, Tanja Lueck, Thais Davenport, Julia Carruth. Row 2. Rachel Nelson, Kelly Slagle, Susanna Bowles, Mary Nancy l lubbard, Aubrey Whitaker, Angie Harrison, Kri!>tin Roberts, Tracy Nelson, Natasha Westrich, Debbie Henderson, Shing-Hwa Chung. Susan Masson, Julia Tarver. Row 3. jennifer McNair, Susan Crutcher, Tanya Gant, Erica Ragan, jamee Lee, Meredith Neer, Carrie Schollemier, Liza Wilson, atayla Hicks, Stephanie Butler, jenny johns, Candy Schafer, Keri Doyle. Row 4. Vickie Hardy, Anne Falgoust, Angie Fox, Christie Smith, Courtney Melchers, JoDe Estes, Vicky Brown, Lynn Dillard, Natlie Bailey, Robin Followell, jessica Rainey, Julie Wilkins, Sara Barnette, Michelle Clark, Karen Huddleston, Elizabeth Patterson, Melissa Berry, Amy Coney, jennifer Cunningham, Dina Facklis, Amy llill. Row 5. icole Williford, Brandi Sames, Beth l.acacy!>t?, Kate co*ckrill, Carrie Engstrom, Jodi Grace, Katherine Conti, Jennifer Farringer, Sarah Frinks, Bess Feagin, Christy McDowell.


Delta Sigma Theta. Row 1. (L toR) Andrea Hood, Cher Benson, Kyla Sawlyer. Row 2.

t62 Organizations

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Chi Omega. Row 1 (L toR). A..yson Hawks, Caroline Cater, Sarah Hall, Lane Clements, Shannon Lientz, Mary Elizabeth Webb, Stephanie Walker, Elizabeth Langston, Suza nne Gaverick, Alii Lambert. Row 2. Dani Boyce, Elizabeth Knight, Lindsey Mitchum, Catherine Cozart, Kyla Reynolds, Katie Terrel, Leann Eggers, Elizabeth Lawson, Katherine Kennedy, Susan Long, Elizabeth jones, Maggie Coulon, Yves Rougelot, Meg Rue. Row 3. jennifer co*ker, Merryl Taylor, Deborah Nelson, Wendy Foster, Kelly Howard, Margaret Sharp, Catherine Brown, Beth Rather, Debbie Reed, Julie Walker. Row 4. Jo Ann Sullivan, Libby Houk, Allison Nowlin, Elisabeth Estes, Lane McNab, Julie Palmer, jeni Marley, Kristy Lavender, Emily Edson, Stacy Rector, Susannah McLendon, Becca Thorn, Kristin Horton, Rachel Woolridge, Alison McVoy.


AKA AKA. Row 1 (L toR) Ada-Saran Smith, Katina Lluster, Tamekia Wakefield, Kimbrelle Barbosa. Row 2. Doris Dixon, Erin Coleman, Sheree Thomas, Nikki Law on. Not Pictured: jeanine jackson, Rita Cooper, and Andrea Mosby.

Organizations 163

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A 0 II

AOPi. Row 1 (L to R) Melissa lloutropper, jennifer Shepard, Gretchen Wright, Ellen Collins, jennifer Lar;on, K.K. Holladay, jennifer Lee, Elizabeth Moore, Nikki llol/hauer, Allison Roesler, Sara Kraubel. Row 2. jennifer I lowe, Pam I Janson, Tracy Walton, Susan Mathis, Eleamor Eyster, Carey Skinner, Whiney Earhart, jenni Juliano, Laura Fleming. Maret? Moreno, I leather Hamby, Rossana Punzalan. Row 3. jaci Adams, Erica Emig. Laura Lyons, Lelia Hood, Shavit Bar- a hum, Wendy Walters, Gretchen Crowe, Beth llarris, ancy Braam, Gretchen Maurer, Lisa Mancini, jennie Beth Harris, jenny Lynn, Alex Rogers, Wendy Young (President), Chrissie Burr. Row 4. Melissa Scandyln, Andrea Dexter, Emelie Sims, Toots ie Rye, Leah Barker, Lisa Mitchell, Faithe Proulx, Melissa Wright, Beth Webster, Jamie Roc ling, Lisa Brown (Chapter Advisor). Row 5. jennifer Tacker, jennifer Buhl, Michelle Stuart, Valerie Webb, Anna-Maria Perez, Meegan Dykstra, II a lie Clouse, Rebecca Robertson, Angela Kreuter, Elizabeth Timmons, Kim Crowell,

ancy Turner, Susan Gabrielson, Amanda Coe, Carol Culpepper, Amy Powers, jennifer Clark.

Back: K. Embree, K. ew, M. Miller, A. Cohan, A. Cooper, A. Lounsbury, L. ew, A. Kennell, E. Kurseka, j . Samaha, C. Cuellar, j. Bridgen, C. Sab<l, II. Mcneil, E. Irvin. Front: C. Tomu, A. Bishop, W. Luckett, C. Love, C. Whetsell, M. Allen, S.Simpson, V. Richard~, II. Obrecht, K. Garrell, N. Calhoun.

Back: L. Rich, j. Keltner, R. Chung. j . McClure, M. Martin, E. Austell, j . jenkins, C. Lenac, M. Caldwell, L. jourbet, V. Ross, M. Allen. Front: K. Federline, A. Oberhelman, M. Rundt, .Kokotas, W. Hall, R. Walcott, B. Beard,j. Tomblin, EJ. Abbott, L Bond, S. Wesson, L. Overhulser.

Right: Back: C. Bryiln, L. Crabb, T. Terwillger, A. Baker, S. Blankenship, j . llamra, j. White, KT Patterson, K. CCaa. Front: C. Smith, A. Killian, ME Chancy, A. Russell, D. Tolar, E. Woamck, M. Clark.

164 Organizations

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Gamma Phi Beta. Row 1. T. Adkisson, S. Bam hart, M. Pomeroy, S. C.~rter, J. Gibson, A. Wemmers, S. Sears, J. DeSouza. Row 2. T. Jo nes, J. Haw kin:., L. Middleton, B. Tread well, L. Yin, J. I le iter, S. Foster, C. Pierce, E. Young, J, Stahl, E. Poua r, L. Reese. Ro w 3. A. Weiser, B. Binkley, M. Herbst, II. Reynolds, R. Ok.1no, T. McElmurray, C. I fumble, J. Welch, J. AI-Jazawri, A. Watt, M. DcCelk>s. Row 4. J. I lorton, K. Marr, S. Katz, T. Rac;.1, A. Wannamaker, R. Patterson, R. McCall, C. Knig ht, K. Gunn, M. Waller, . Rosenkoetter, A. Elli50n, D. Larson, M. Gilliland, R. Riser, K. White, L. Blake, T. Vaughn, M. Cawood, M. McFarland .

r <I> B


Pi Kappa Alpha. Row 1 (L to R). Mark Manno, Jo n Michael Morgan, Ji !Jan, Brya n Shelby, Ken Milman, Scott Wells, Chris Buchanan. Row 2. Chris Harrod, Jason Thurman, Thoung-Linh Nguyen, Ravi Chauhan, Ed Parker, Michael Stoker, Gibson Turley, Juni Ganguli. Row 3. Joe Mills, James Scherer, Chris Godwin, Scott Brown, Allen Bell. Row 4. Jason Myers, ed Crystal, John Rodriguez, Jim Wilkerson, Scott Milman, WillllarrL~, Danny Alpc, Martin LeRoy, Daniel Kirsch, Pete Noll, Tom Ramsey, Frank Pinkerton.


Organi7.ations 165

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A T n

166 Organizations

Kappa Sigma. Row 1 {L to R). ja mes Lacy. Row 2. Lee Wilkes, Gabe Rikard, james Westphal, Jamie Ovington, Rob McMillan, Welch Suggs, Chip Brian, Rob Liebschutz, Rob Jarrett, Adam Parr, john Little, Chris Gilreath, Brian co*ker, Brett Cullum. Row 3. Chad McGee, AI Hammer, Aaron Brenner, Ric Crowder, Brett Goldston, jason Carmel, Eric Elms, Richard Miller, Michael Bowen, Thomas Gieselmann, jay Wardlaw, josh Almond, Chip Riggs. Row 4. Colt Winsett, Eddie Dieppa, Jamie Bogner, Hugh Shockey, Dan Millner, john Chauvin, josh Morris, Mike Hart, Ryan Feeney, Sam Haas, Robert Browning, Rob Holt, D.C. Drake, Andy George, Jeff Coons.

Alpha Tau Omega. Row 1 (L to R). Siva Gitsas (Sweetheart), Eric Cifreo, Tom Lowry, Doug Bacon, Justin Klestinski, Lee Schriver, William Slaton, John Rogers. Row 2. Scott Heamsbcrger, Brian Holzwanger, Jason Farrar, Dan Carl, Billy Gordon, Bibb Lamar, William Carro ll, Martin Tu ll. Row 3. Chris Myers, Vo Johnson, Doug Duncan, jason Hamilton, Pat Dolan, Nick Hinge!, Brian Whamoff, Tom Castelli, Daniel Bowker, Chris Sorenson. Row 4. David Overend, jon Burchfield, Damon Ruckle, Chris Hicky, Shea Sabom, Keith Rivers, Tim Smith, Lowry Howell, Don Keeney. Row 5. Will Powell, john Slater, David Ray, john Dickins, Steven Ursery. Row 6. Eric Flanders, Chris Robinson, Chris Chappell, Brian O'Neill, Champ Lyons, Andrew Jeter, Matt Hardin, Andy Likes, Tony Capizzoni, Brad Terhune. Row 7. Jamie McDaniel, Chris Williams, Joey Dudek, Forrest Connor, Drew Henry, joe Castelli, Rob Neff, Gene Anthony.

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Adve · rtisem*nts DiVI .. SIOn

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r <D B



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1993 Low Quality.pdf - [PDF Document] (182)


CJhrrll. ~ ~ We love you!

Jimmy- It was great being at Rhodes with you, even if it's not as "special" as the professors think it is. Andy- Thanks for a lot of good limes and experiences that will probably come up at my confim1ation hearings. Vince- Keep "feelin ' warm"! Derek- Knock 'em dead on Wall Street! just don't s tep on me on your way to the top. Dave- Try to get some sleep during grad school; you've earned it. Mom and Dad- I knew you would hale the senior picture; I hope this is some consolation. TI1anks for giving me four great years. I hope I made you proud. Best wishes for everyone's future. It's been fun.

Opening I Closing: Colophon

Academics: Ji Han-Section Edi tor

Julie Johnston Student Life:

Amanda Coe-Section Editor Debie Rudder-Section Editor

Liz Goings-Section Editor Jennifer Wilson

Sports: Jennifer Buhi-Section Ed itor

Dana Cha mblee Thomas Johnson

Karen Marr Magazine:

Greg Palmer-Section Editor Debbie Glenn

People: Melissa Denley-Senior Section Ed itor

Jackie Heiter Jennifer Horton Kristyn White General Staff: Ravi Chauhan

Rebecca Patterson Morris Rivera

Melinda Ewert-Section Editor Brooke Burris

Danielle Larson Diane Melby

Organizations: Jennalie Travis-Section Editor

jennifer Autry Judd Peak

Susan Long Advertisem*nts:

Je nnifer Rezba-Section Editor Stephen Deusner

Allen JackSon Copy Editor: Stacy Katz

Photography: Elizateth Timmons-Head Phototgrapher

Stephen Deusner Ross Gohlke Stacy Katz Jenny Kim

Athena Petropou los Chris Pollette

Ed itor- in - Chief: Elizabeth Young

Special thanks to Judy Frazier, Judy Roaten, Michael Garrett, and everyone in College Relations for continuous hel and t.

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Abbott, Elizabeth 112 Abraham, Jacob 8, 120 Adair, Trish 8, 13, 80 Adams,Jaci 36, 11 2, 151, 164 Adams, Seth 80 Adkisson, Tracy 112 Aeba, Geraldine 120 Aiken, Emily 120 Al-Jazrawl, Joy 120 Alexander, Harbert 104 Alexander, Kimberly 120 Allen, Marcie 13, 120 Allen, Martha 11 2 Allen,Scotland 112 Almond, josh 104, 159 Alpe, Daniel 120 Alsup, Bryan 104 Alwood, Jane 104 Anderson, Linnea 104 Andresen, Melissa 120 Angle, Rick 120 Anthony, Gene 104 Arnold, Brooke 120 Asburg, Amy 11 2 As hera ft, Heather 11 2 Assaf, David 25, 80, 161, 148, 158, 160 Augspurger, Mike 104 Austell, Elizabeth 11 2, 146 Austin, Caroline 11 2 Autry, Jennifer 104, 161 Babaoglu, Lara 80, 143 Back, Na thaneicl 11 2 Bacon, Doug 80, 157 Bailey, Jeremy 120 Bailey, Nata lie 120 Baird, Susan 104 Baker, Ashley 80 Baker, Ellen 104 Baker, Jenny 120 Baker, Justin 112 Baldwin, Robert 80 Ballard, Tim 23, 112 Ballentine, Amy 104 Bandel, Robin 80 Bankson, Mary 120 Bar-Nahum, Shavit 80, 104, 164 Barbosa, Kimbrelle 11 2, 163 Barker, Leah 164 Barker, Lech 11 2 Barker, Ray 104 Barnes, Brandi 120, 160 Barne tte, Sara 112 Barnhart, Sara 11 2 Barton, Molly 80 Barton, Susie 104 Bassham, Gayla 104, 147, 156 Bateson, Cortney 120 Baton, Molly 11 2 Baugus, Pam 11 2 Bean, Jeff 80 Beard, Betsy 112 Becnel, Marc 11 2 Bede ian, Katherine 112 Benjamin, Laura 80, 161 Bennett, William 104 Benson, Chere 81, 162 Benson, Laura 36, 104, 161 Benston, Britt 104 Berry, Melissa 112 Bertsch , lrmtraud 8 Bettrid ge, Matt 120

Biffle, Brian 120 Binkley, Bonnie 11 2, 158 Bishop, Anna 120 Blake, Laura 81, 149 Blankenship, Sara 81 Blanscet, Michael 120 Blount, Jimmy 104 Bogner, James 120 Bogner, Myles 120 Bond, Lori 112 Bonica, Matt 120 Boone, annie 81, 156, 161 Borden, Anne 81 Boston, Bethany 104 Boucher, Liz 104 Bowen, Michael 157 Bowker, Daniel 112 Bowles, Susannah 11 2 Boyce, Dani 81, 158 Braam, Nancy 82,164 Braden, Ka tie 82 Bradley, Molly 104 Bratton, John 82 Breedlove, Lynette 82, 161 Brenner, Aaron 112, 156 Brey, Martha 120 Brian, Chip 104, 156 Brigden, Jane 120 Briseno, Alejandra 120 Brooks, Amy 120 Brown, Allen 120 Brown, Benjamin 112 Brown, Catherine 104 Brown, Eric 104 Brown, Frank 11 2 Brown, Judy 104 Brown, Michael 104 Brown, Scott 120,146 Brown, Vicky 120 Browning, Robert 160 Brownlee, John 4, 82 Brudenell, john 112 Bryan, Chand lee 82, 146, 156, 157 Bryan, Marcy 120 Bryant, Anita 104

Bryant, Catina 11 2 Bryant, Todd 156 Bryars, Carter 104, 157 Buchanan, Chris 83, 140, 157 Bucke, Stanley 120 Buffington, Ca mi 159 Bultl, jennifer 104, 164 Bumpus, Jonathon 104 Buntaino, Michael 120 Burch, Judson 11 2 Burchfield, Jon 120 Burford, Julie 11 2 Burhart, Frank 120 Burkett, Sam 104 Burks, Christy 104, 146, 156, 159 Burr, Chrissie 83, 146, 164 Burris, Brooke 2, 120 Burton, Alan 35, 104 Bush, Margaret 120 Butler, Stephanie 104 Byrd, Lisa 83, 186 Cabanillas, Edgar 105 Caldwell, Molly 11 2 Calhoun, Micole 120 Cameron, john 112, 151 Campbell, Chip 105 Capizzani, Tony 11 2 Cardona, Chuck 83, 85 Cardwell, Chris 105 Carl, Dan 83, 157 Carls, Cathy 22, 26, 105, 187 Carlton, Jeff 105 Carmel, Jason 112 Carney, Chad 113 Carrigan, Paula 120 Carroll, William 83 Carruth, Julia 113 Carter, Shannon 105 Carter, Walke r 11 3 Casini, Louise 83 Caste lli, joe 83 Caste lli, Tom 120 Cater, Caroline 113 Catwell, Chris 113 Cawood, Maria 113

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Cephus, Terrie 105 Ceule, Denise 105 Chadwick, jeanne 83, 161 Chafin, Beth 83 Chakinda, Saneetha 112 Chamblee, Dana 105, 146 Chaney, Mary 83 Chappell, Chris 113 Charles, james 124 Chastain, Chris 121 Chauhan,Ravi 121, 159 Chauvin, john 121 Chifici, Amy 121 Choate, Ann 151 Chong, Shing-Hwa 105 Chote, Ann 105 Choudhui, Nina 105, 157 Chung, Ruth 113 Cifero, Eric 83 Claire, Mayme 122 Clark, Carolyn 105 Clark, Jennifer 84, 164 Clark, Marlinee 37, 84 Clark, Michelle 113 Clark, Sarah 121 Clay, Tim 113 Clements, Lane 12, 113 Clements, Marqie 84 Clingan, Karla 121 Clouse, Halie 33, 105, 164 Cobb, jennifer 84 co*ckrill, Kate 121 Coe, Amanda 105, 164 Cohen, Abigail 121 co*ker, Bryan 113, 151 co*ker, jennifer 105, 151 Coldren, Brian 113 Cole,Oay 84 Cole, Kathy 105 Coleman, Elizabeth 121 Coleman, Erin 6, 84, 161, 163 Coleridge, Ronald 113 Collins, Ellen 9, 164 Colquitt, Lee 84 Combs, Clay 84,147 Cones, Bryan 121, 158 Coney, Amy 105, 158 Conner, Drew 84 Conner, Forrest 157 Connolly, Christopher 84 Conti, Katherine 121 Cook, Harper 24, 84, 161 Cook, janet 105 Coons, jeff 113 Cooper, Amy 121 Cooper, Anne 84, 151 Cooper, Sean 113 Cordona, Chuck 5 Corley, Nyleva 3, 121 Cormier, jason 43, 147, 150 Cornille, Doug 105 Cotham, Nancy 105 Coulon, Maggie 105 CourseauJt, Helen 85 Coutrado, john 113 Covode, Scott 1 OS Cowell, Andy 148 Cozart, Catherine 113, 158 Crabb, jason 113 Crabb, Lynn 85, 157 Craft, Thomas 113

180 Index

Crais, Stewart 105 Creech, Bryan 113 Crespo, Arnold 121 Crotwell, Chris 146 Crowder, Ric 105, 160 Crowe, Gretchen 24, 33, 113, 164 Crowell, Kim 113, 164 Crowell, Magan 121 Cruber, Eric 105 Crutcher, Susan 85 Crystal, Philip 121 Cuellar, Catherine 121, 146 Cullum, Brett 85, 157 Culpepper, Carol 4, 105, 164 Cunningham, jennifer 105 Curren, john 121 Dallas, Kristy 105 Dalton, john 121 Daniel, Britt 121 Darby, Andrea 113 DarnelJ, Phil 121 Davenport, Thajs 27, 85, 161 David, Armstrong 112 Davidson, Chad 105 Davis, Brian 113 Davis, Cathie 85 Davis, Greg 113 Davis, HiJI 113 Davis, jeanette 36, 86, 157 Davis, jeanne 86 Davis, jeff 113, 146 Dawson, Chris 86 DeCelles, Melissa 86 Deluca, Gina 105 Denley, Melissa 121 Denton, Mason 121, 150 DeSouza, jennifer 86 Deusner, Stephen 42, 121 Dexter, Andrea 113, 164 Deykin, Brad 121 Dickens, James 86 Dickens, john 17, 27 Dickerson, Andrea 121 Dieppa, Eduardo 113, 158 Dillard, Lynn 9, 121 Dixon, Brian 86 Dixon, Doris 86, 161, 163 Dolan, Pat 113 Dollarhide, Amy 121 Donaldson, Anne 121 Dorman, LauraJea 86 Dorst, Steve 161 Douglas, Annne 86 Dowley, Michael 121 Downey, Rob 121 Doyle, Keri 105, 146 Drake, Chris 121 Dryer, Dylan 105 Dublin, Shaun 105 DuBose, Bo 1 05 Dudek, joey 86, 90, 97, 157 Dudley, Claire 121, 146, 150 Duncan, Doug 121 Dunning, Eric 106 Dykstra, Meegan 106, 164 Earhart, Whitney 121, 164 Eaton, Derek 121 Edmundson, Cathy 86 Edrington, Vickie 87, 186 Elkin, Christy 106 Ellinger, Danny 121

E!Ungsworth, Wendy 106 Elliot, Kara 12, 157 Elmiligy, Melissa 106 Elsea, Angi 106 Embee, Ka therine 121 Emig, Erica 164 Entman, Michael 121 Erkulwater, jennifer 150 Estes, joanne 121 Eubanks, David 122 Ewart, Susan 87 Ewing, Father 158 Eyster, Eleanore 122, 164 Facklis, Dina 87, 157, 161 Fahey, john 106 Falgoust, Anne 106 Farnsworth, Leslie 122, 147 Farr, Mary 122 Farringer, Jennifer 122, 158 Feagin, Bess 8, 87, 146, 160 Federico, Mike 122 Feeney, Ryan 122 Feliberty, Melissa 122 Ferguson, Julie 106, 146 Finch, Karen 87 Fisher, Patrick 122 Fitzgerald, Patty 4, 27, 106, 141 Flanders, Eric 93 Fleming, La ra 122, 164 Flinn, Emily 122, 147, 150 Ford, Mebssa 87 Ford, Steele 122 Foster, Chuck 87 Foster, jennifer 122 Foster, Shannon 106 Foster, Wendy 106 Fox, Angie 122 Fox, Martin 122 Frentz, Kristen 122

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Frinks, Sarah 122 Fulton, Mich ael 106 Gabrielson, Susan 106, 164 Galiger, Katie 87 Galle, Corey 106 Ganguli, juni 106, 147, 157 Cant, Tanya 106 Ga rverick, Suzanne 8, 82,87 Gear, Susan 106 Geiger, Chris 87 Gentle, juliana 106 George, Andy 122 Germann, Logan 22,87 Gotten, Lane 122 Green, Heather 122 Green, Ka thryn 106, 147 Greenberg, Stacey 106 Griffith, Mandy 29, 122 Groo, Larry 106 Guibao, Paul 122, 146 Gunn, Kristy 122 Habeeb, Rebecca 122, 148 Ha ines, Scott 106, 146 Ha ll, Amy 122 Ha ll, Avis 122 Ha ll, Holly 106 Hamby, Heather 123, 164 Hameed, Shehzad 123 Hamel, Ma ry 115 Hamilton, Andrew 115 Hamilton, Ashley 115 Hamil ton, jason 88 Hamilton, Tim 106,160 Hamilton, Trey 106 Hammer, AI 123 Hamra, Jackie 88 Han, ji 106 Hanson, Pamela 123, 159, 164 Harbin, Elise 115 Ha rcourt, Elizabeth 106 Ha rdin, joe 106, 147, 150 Ha rdin, Matt 106, 146, 147 Hardman, Emily 115 Hardwick, Anne 123 Hargrove, Matt 123 Harr, james 123, 159 Harrington, Gera ld 123 Harrington, jerry 158 Harris, Beth 164 Harris, Camille 115 Harris, Elizabeth 115 Ha rris, Harkness 88 Harris, Jennie 3, 88, 159, 164 Harris, Will 88 Harrison, Angie 115 Ha rrison, Mary 123 Harrison, Pace 107 Ha rrison, Rob 123 Ha rrison, Trey 88, 107 Ha rrod, Chris 107 Hart, Michael 123 Hass, Sam 107 Havercamp, john 123 Hawkins, George 107 Hawkins, jennifer 88, 140 Hawks, Allyson 115, 151 Hayes, Michael 123 Hearnsberger, Scott 17, 107 Heckle, Jessica 88 Heep, Gerrad 115

Heiter, Jackie 88 Helm, john 107 Henderson, Clyd e 32, 151, 157 Henderson, Cycle 115 Henderson, Debbie 107 Henderson, julie 73, 107 Henry, Dre w 20, 71, 88, 157, 161 Henry, Sarah 88 Henson, Michael 123 He rbst, Me lissa 107 Herring, Everette 107 Hershberger, john 88 Hertz, Naomi 115 Hester, David 157 Heste r, Shelby 115 Hicks, Natayla 107 Hicky, Chris 123 Hiestand, Katie 115 Higginbotham, Charolette 88 Hikalgo, Rocky 115 Hill, Amy 35; 107 Hill , john 90 Hines, Mary 115 Hinge!, Nick 123 Hinton, Sheridan 90 Hoang, ThuThi 123, 158 Hoffman, Sybille 8 Hoffmann, Shelley 123 Hoge, jeb 123 Holladay, Kandace 123, 164 Hollensworth, Brian 107 Holzha ule r, ikki 123, 164 Holzwanger, Bryan 115, 156 Hood, Andrea 36, 107, 162 Hood, Lelia 107, 164 Hooker, Charles 2, 123 Hornsby, Darin 107 Horton, jennifer 90 Horton, Kris tin 107 Houk, Libby 115 Houser, Sarah 90, 186 Houtcopper, Melissa 164, 123 Houts, Aaron 123 Howard, Kelly 107 Howe, Jennifer 123, 164 Howell, Laurin 115 Hu, Weimin 115 Hubbard, Mary 123, 157 Hubbell, Erin 96 Huddleston, Ka ren 123 Hudson, Michael 90 Hueser, Hubert 161 Huff, Chris tie 123 Huffine, joe 115 Humble, Cindy 123, 159 Humphreys, David 115 Hunter, Amaziah 123 Huntington, Chris tina 115, 150 Huo t, Bophany 73, 107 Hurayt, Anna 123 Hutchinson, jason 107 Hutchinson, Ma thew 123 lrby, Fe licia 107 Irvin, Elizabeth 115 Irwin, Jan 123 Isbell, Deedee 123 lsom, Amber 124

Ivy, Daniel 107 jackson, Allen 124 jackson, Holly 12, 107 Jackson, jeanine 90 jackson, Tony 115 Jackson, William 107 Jacobs, Rachel 115 Jarrett, Rob 68, 91, 157, 161 jenkins, Angela 124 jenkins, jennifer 115 jenkins, Mallory 91, 157 Jerden, Eddie 107 Jeter, Andrew 115 jimmy, Ra fiee 117 john, Ian 115 johns, jenny 107, 146, 160 Johnson, Albert 124 Johnson, Erick 107, 151, 157 johnson, Les 8 johnson, Matthew 124 johnson, Ron 107 Johnson, Spencer 115 johnson, Thomas 107 johnson, Vanessa 124 johnson, Vo 91, 157, 161 Johnston, Julie 124 Jones, Andrea 43, 107, 146, 160 jones, Dorian 33, 107, 151 jones, Elizabe th 91 Jones, Kare n 124 jones, Laurie 91 jones, Sheila 115 Jones, Sonya 115 jones, Teresa 91 Joubert, Lori 115 juliano, jenni 164 Juliano, jennifer 124 Kamm, Richa rd 124 Ka ranaugh, Ben 124 Ka rnes, Stephen 91 Kassem, Amy 107 Kasun, Cassy 91, 161 Katz, Stacy 115

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Kee, Angela 115 Keehl, Bryan 124 Keeney, Don 116 Keller, Hillary 9, 124 Kelly, Danny 11 6 Kelly, Kristine 91 Kelly, Marian 116 Kelly, Rachel 124 Keltner, julie 116 Kemp, Laura 107 Kennedy, Clark 91, 107 Kennedy, Katherine 91 Kennett, Allyson 124 Kent, Shea 92 Khan, Amber 91 Kicks, Laura 123 K.idd,joel 116 Killian, Patrick 116 Killilea, David 108 Kim, jenny 92, 161 King, Brittain 108 King, Gretchen 108 Kirsch, Daniel 124 K.irsky, Heather 124 Kiser, Ed 146 Klestinski, jus tin 108 Klinghard, Daniel 124 Klotwog, Sandi 124 Knight, Caroline 92 Knight, Elizabeth 23, 116, 157 Knott, Buck 11 6, 151 Kohn, Charles 11 6 Koja, Saffa 108 Kokotas, Nina 116 Kollme, Chris 157 Konradi, Brian 108 Koopman, Anna 124 Kraabel, Sara 124, 149, 159, 164 Kramer, Carl 116 Kreuter, Angela 164 Kronin, Amy 116 Krueter, Angela 116 Kuns, Brian 116 Kurzeka, Emily 124 Kuykendall, jenny 92 Lacaeyse, Beth 124 Lacy, ja mes 92, 157 La ferny, jason 108 Lamar, Bibb 108, 157 Lambert, Alii 150 Lambert, Allison 108 Lambert, Loretta 6, 124 Lamplugh, jim 108, 158 Lanaili, Tomoka 116 Landers, Mark 108 Langdon, john 124 Lara, Adin 116 LaRavia, Danielle 124 Larkin, jeff 124 LaRocca, Allison 92 Larson, Danielle 116 Larson, jennifer 6, 124, 147, 157, 164 Lartigue, Alicia 108 Laster, Chris 124 Latendresse, Renee 116 Laughlin, Davis 116 Laughlin, jennifer 124 Lavendar, Kris ty 108 Lawing, Wendy 92 Lawson, Elizabeth 92 Lawson, Nikki 108, 163 Leach,john 116

182 Index

Leavenworth, Mark 124 Lebowitz, Scott 108 Ledford, Chris 124 Lee, jamee 124 Lee, jennifer 124, 150, 164 Lee, jo 124 Lee, Michael 124 Lee,Sean 92 Lcl*to, Julie-Ann 124 Lenac, Caroline 116 Leordeann, Liana 124 LeRoy, Martin 108, 157 Lewis, Natasha 124 Lichterman, Karin 124 Liebschutz, Rob 108 Lientz, Shannon 92 Light, Bobby 116 Likes, Andrew 108 Linder, Chris 108 Lindley, Laura 124 Lindsey, Allison 125 Linville, Martin 116 Little, john 33, 92, 160 Lluster, Katina 163 Locke, Anne 108, 151 Locke, Laura 108 Locke, Todd 125 Loeser, Andrea 116 Loftis, Mark 108, 146, 160, 192 Long, Frank 19, 24, 108 Long, Susan 92 Lott, john 11 6, 151,160 Lounsbury, Amy 125 Love, Caroline 16, 125, 1567 Low, Dionne 93 Lowe, Elizabeth 93 Lowry, Tom 93 Luchin, Da vid 125 Luckett, Whitney 16, 125 Ludwikowski, Amy 116 Lueck, Tanja 93 Lund, Marcjana 156 Lund, Marcjana 93, 157 Luster, Katina 116 Lutschg, David 93 Lynn, jenny 11 6, 164 Lyons, Champ 108 Lyons, Laura 116, 164 Macini, Lisa 94 Mackall, John 108 Macmillan, Rob 116 Magnacca, Cecilia 116 Mancini, Lisa 164 Manno, Mark 157 Manno, Mark 108 Marbcrry, jeni 108 Marchal, Hank 125 Markward, Abby 94 Marley, jeni 146 Marr, Karen 108 Marshall, Elizabeth 125 Marshall, Kevin 94 Martin, john 116 Martin, Jonathon 116, 151 Martin, Melissa 116 Mary l, Valentine 43 Mascaghi, jay 125 Massey, jeff 108 Massie, Vaughn 116 Masson, Susan 108, 142 Mathews, Kevin 125 Mathews, Stephen 94

Mathis, Susan 125, 164 Maurer, Gretchen 94, 164 Maxwell, Ginna 125 Maxwell, Kemp 116 Maybach, Matthew 125 McCaa, Katherine 8, 94, 150, 57 McCall, Rachell 116 McCarro ll, Gwendolyn 116 McCarroll, Patrick 3, 125 McCondichie, Dean 94 McCormick, Michelle 108 McCoy, Chris 94 McCranie, Ann 125 McCrary, Scan 108 McDaniel, Jamie 108 McDavid, Charlotte 94 McDowell, Andrea 116 McDowell, Cristy 11 6 McElmurray, Tracy 125, 149 McFarland, Chris tina 125 McFarland, jason 24, 125 McFarland, Melissa 94, 151 McGee, Chad 8, 108,142 McGeorge, Brian 116 McGinty, Lara 94 McLendon, Susannah 94 McLure, joel 116 McMalla, john 116 McMillan, Rob 33 McMullen, Page 125 McMurphy, Bancroft 125 McNab, Lane 116 McNall, Nicole 125 McNeill, Hallie 125 McRee, Amber 95 McSorley, Rj 11 6 McVoy, Alison 108 McVoy,Sarah 116 Meeks, Caldwell 9, 125 Meiman, Julie 109 Melby, Diane 28,116 Melchers, Cortney 125 Merritt, Dean 109 Merriweather, Emily 125 Merz, Ca rlyn 32, 95 Messina, Angela 109 Middleton, Lise 109, 160 Mihalevich, Mark 116 Miles, Lisa 116 Miller, Becki 95, 140 Miller, Kerri 12, 95, 98 Miller, Meredith 125 Miller, Rachele 125 Miller, Richard 95 Miller, Stephanie 116 Millner, Dani 125 Mills, joe 109 Milnor, juli 109 Minter, jay 116 Mire, Ryan 95 Mitcham, Lindsey 95 Mitchell, Carmie 116 Mitchell, Lisa 109, 164 Moberly, Brent 116, 146, 147, 150 Moffit, G reg 85 Mohundro, Robert 116 Monte, Stephanie 95 Montminy, joseph 125 Mooney, Brian 125 Moore, Elizabeth 125, 164 Moore, Emily 125 Moore, Heather 125, 158

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Moore, Lisa 95 Moore, Robert 116 Moore, William 116 Moran, Scan 109 Morat.Gka, Erik 117, 149, 157 Moreno, Marcc 125, 164 Morgan, Ca~sandra 111 Morgan, jon 125 Mory, john 125 Mosby, Andrea 117 Moseley, Andrea 109 Mostashari, Darian 125 Motichek, Missy 109, 160 Mullins, jeff 95 Murray, Carter 95 Murray, Frank 125, ISO Myers, Chris 117 Myers, jason 95

agel , Susan 37 Napier, Camille 117

eal, Ginny 125 Neely, Heather 159 Neer, Mered ith 125

eff, Rob 109 eill, Gregory 126

Nelson, Deborah 109 elson, Rachel 117, 151

Nelson, Tracy 146 Neville, Mary 109

ew, Catherine 126 New, Eli7abeth 126

ewton, Daniel 109 guyen, Lan 109, 156

Nguyen, Phuong 126 Nguyen, Phuong-Linh 126 Nguyen, Thuong 109 Ni, Alfred 109, 156

ichols, julie 126, 146 Noll, Pete 126 Norment, Brian 117

owlin, Allison 117 O' brien, Richard 126 O' Dell, Carrie 126 0 ' eill, Brian 109 Oakley, Caroline 109 Oberding, Tom 117, 158 Oberhelman, Amy 117, 156

Obrecht, llillary 126 Odie, Tara 96, 157 Okano, Rose 156 Okano, Tamani 117 Olcott, Tim 96, 147 Oliphant, john 5, 13, 117 Onley, lan 11 7 Orceholser, Elizabeth 117 Oswalt, Kristin 126 Overend, G. 126 Ovington, james 117 Pace, lan I 09 Page, Toi 117 Palmer, Greg 96, 15 1, 157 Palmer, Julie 11 7, 151 Papin, Shannon 109 Pardicck, Renee 96, 156 Parez, Ana Maria 117 Parikh, Lina 96 Parker, David 126 Parker, Edward 126 Parker, jennifer 109 Parkerson, Christopher 126 Parr, Adam 109, 157 Pascal, Molly 117, 146 Patel, Alpesh 126 Paterson, KT 96 Patrick, Frances 33, 109, 15 1 Patterson, Delores 78, 126 Patte~on, Eli7abeth 117 Patte~n, Rebecca 126 Paxton, ell 109 Peach, Oca 126 Peak, judd 11 7, 149, 161 Pennebaker, Mark 126 Pennington, Stacy 109 Perez, Anna-Maria 164 Perry, Amy 109 Perry, Chip 146 Peterson, Dana 96 Petro, Kelly 109 Petropoulos, Athena 126, 146 Pettig ren, jason 126 Pettyjohn, Margaret 11 7 Phelps, Ken 117 Phllli~, jenny 126 Phipps, Emily 11 7

Pia~, Erin 126, 158 Picerno, Rick 96, 146 Pierce, Christina 117 Pierce, Virginia 146 Pinkerton, Frank 126 Pippenger, Andy 96, 146 Pittman, Ben 96 Pillman, jarred 126 Plumb, Heather 126 Pointer, Laura 109 Pollette, Chris 96, 147 Pomeroy, Melinda 117 Poole, Courtney 126 Poppenheimer, jill 109 Porter, Laura 97, 157 Pou/.ar, Emily 109 Powell, Ned 109 Powell, Will 126 Powers, Amy 109, 164 Powers, Bernard 109 Prachniak, Stephanie 97 Price, Don 12, 16, 81 , 97, 146, 157 Prott, Chris 117, 146 Proulx, Failhe 117, 164 Ptacek, Mark 110 Pulay, Emoke 126 Punzalon, Rossanna 3, 110, 149, 151 , 157, 158, 159, 161 , 164 Rack, Rachel 126 Radn, llanscn 126 Ragan, Erika 110 Ragland, Robbie 11 0 Raimey, jessica 126 Rainey, Will 126 Rajanna, Buvana 126 Ramey, jeremy 97 Ramsey, Timothy 117 Randall, Katherine 33, 117 Randolph, Katie 117, 146 Randolph, Terri 97 Rasa, Tanya 97 Rasolino, Michael 126 Rather, Beth 110 Rauls, jason 117 Rawls, I leather 126 Ray, David 117 Rayfield, David 110 Rayford, Ryon 117 Reardon, Ryan 110 Record, Art 146 Record, Robert 126,146 Rector, Stacy 98 Reed, Debbie 98, 157 Reid, a talie 117 Reinhardt, Cecile 110 Renjel, Robert 126 Renshaw, Adam 126 Reynolds, lleather 126 Reynolds, Kyla 117, 146, 156 Rezba, jennifer 126 Rhoades, Liz 110 Rhodes, Timothy 126 Rice, David 98 Rich, Libby 117 Richards, Ralene 98 Richards, Virginia 126 Rickard, Gabe 117 Ricks, Patrick 126 Riederer, Danny 126 Riggs, Chip 117 Rikard, Gabe 142 Ritter, Greg 98

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Rivera, Morris 126 Rivers, Keith 11 7 Robbins, Alii 117 Roberts, Caprice 110 Roberts, Krisin 118 Roberts, Meg 126 Robertson, Clair 127 Robertson, Rebecca 19, 118, 164 Robichaux, Duane 127 Robinson, Audra 118 Robinson, Chris 118, 150 Robinson, Drew 22, 146 Roddy, Troy 26, 98, 187 Rodrigue, jo hn 127 Roeling, Jamie 127, 164 Roesler, Alison 127, 164 Rogers, Alex 4, 118, 164 Rogers, Brandy 110, 157 Rogers, john 99, 157 Rogers, Stephanie 72, 118, 149, 159, 161 Rolfs, Marla 127 Rood, jessica 127 Rose, Andrea 118, 146, 157 Rose, john 127, 158 Rose, justin 118 Rosenkoetter, Nikki 42, 110 Rosolino, Mike 158 Ross, Christina 110 Ross, Vanessa 118 Rothammer, Kristen 99 Rougeau, Stiles 118 Rougelot, Yves-Marie 99 Rouglet, Yves 156 Roussel, jarrod 99 Rovertson, Graham 110 Ruckel, Damon 127 Rudder, Debie 17, 110, 150, 151 Ruddick, Elise 127 Rue, Meg 118 Rundt, Mi sy 11 8 Rushin, Mike 43, 110 Russell, Andy 118 Russell, Myles 127 Rutledge, Brandon 127 Rye, Toot ie 110,164 Saba, Corey 127 Sabom, Shay 37, 127 Saint-Eiie, Eric 127 Sale, Elizabeth 118 Salinas, jorge 127 Sam, Woods 111 Samaha, joanne 127 Sanchez, Becky 157 Sanchez, Rebecca 118 Sanders, jeff 127 Sankaran, Sumi 99 Sankey, joe 127 Sanky, joe 157 Sator, Vincen t 158 Saunders, Brook 118 Savage, Van 127 Sawyer, Kyla 36, 110, 162 Scandlyn, Melissa 118, 164 Schafer, Charles 110 Schaffhau er, jacqueline 127 Schenk, jill 127 Scherer, james 99 Schilling, Anne 99 Schill ing, Jonathon 118 Schnek, jill 74 Scho field, Krisin 118 Schriver,Lee 110 Schutz, Stephanie 118

184 Index

Scott, Ben 11 0 Scott, Liza 110 Scott, Shelby 118 Sears,Sarah 118 Seay, Will 127, 147 Shafer, Candy 146 Shafer, Charles 4, 141 Shah, Shaily 127 Shah, Vimal 118 Sharp,Margaret 118 Shaw, Steve 118 Sheard, Kerri 127 Shelby, Bryan 99, 140 Shepard, Hunter 118 Shepard, jennifer 127, 164 Sherril, Mike 110 Shier, Emery 118 Shin, joyce 110 Shipman, Andrew 99 Shockey, Hugh 20, 127 Shollmier, Carrie 118 Short, jennifer 99 Short, Tracey 127 Shull, Owen 118 Simon, Mindy 99 Simpson, Shannon 13, 127 Sims, Emelie 164 Singh, Derek 148 Sirra tt, Debbie 110 Sisco, Stacy 99 Sisk, Jamie 118 Skelton, Christy 127 Skinner, Carey 16, 127, 164 Slagle, Kelley 100 Slater, john 118 Slatom, WilHam 118 Sloan, Avery 118 Slonecker, Chris 100 Smiley, Reid 100 Smith, Ada-Saran 100, 163 Smith, Astrid 127 Smith, Bernal 110, 157 Smith, Carey 100 Smith, Christie 127 Smith, Eric 100, 150 Smith, Erin 118 Smith, Harold 100 Smith, J. 127 Smith, Lucille 127 Smith, Steve 118, 146 Smithey, Brandon 110 Smithpeter, Margaret 127 Snodgrass, Billie 127 Solomon, Matt 118 Solopov, Alexander 127 Somes, josh 118 Song, judy 110 Sonoda, Meiko 110, 156 Sorensen, Chris 127 Soule, Nicki 81 , 100, 157 Spann, Robn 127 Spencer, Cliff 110 Spenser, Nicole 110 Stahl, jennafer 100 Stanley, Lisa 127 Stanlcy,Steve 110 Stapp, Cayce 100, 110, 151 Stephens, Cynthia 127 Stephens, Laura 12, 110 Stephenson, Stephen 127 Stevens, Jeff 1 00 Stewart, Greg 110 Stoker, Michael 127

Stone, Robyn 118 Strickland, Mark 110, 157 Stroud, Derri 9 Stuart, Michelle 118, 164 Stump, james 118 Suggs, Welch 118 Sullivan, Teri 110, 146, 147, 150 Sutherland, Kelli 127 Swords, Laura 118 Tacker, jennifer 100, 164 Tagg, Taylor 43, 101 Tarver, julia 101 Tate, Amber 9, 127 Tatum, jason 110 Taugner, Tori 110 Taylor, Adrian 127 Taylor, Amy 151, 157 Taylor, Kristen 127 Taylor, Merry! 12, 29, 81, 110, 143, 157, !59 Taylor, Richard 119 Tayolor, Amy 11 9 Teller, Brooks 128 Tenpenny, Teresa 119 Terhure, Brad 119 Terrell, Katie 119 Terwilliger, Tracy 101 Thakkcr, Chandra 119 Thieman, Robyn 11 0 111omas, Chip 128 Thomas, joey 128 Thomas, icki 149, 151, 157 Thomas, ickole tte 119 Thomas, Sheree 119, 163 Thompson, Pat 119 111ompson, Sydney 101

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Thompson, Wesley 128, 141 Tierney, Brian 101 Timmons, Elizabeth 101 , 164 Tine , Laca 102 tit*worth, Tammi 110, 147, 156 Titwsworth, Tammi 150 Todd, james 119 Togner, To ri 36 Tolar, DeSha 102 Tomasz, Christie 128 Tomblin, julie 119 Tomlinson, Lisa 119 Toole, Amy 128, 150 Travis, jennalie 119 Tread well, Brooke 102 Tn~elove, Kelley 128, 157 Tull, Martin 119 Tunno, Ferebee 128 Turner, Bart 111 Turner, jim 71, 119, 147, 149 Turner, ancy 111, 157, 157, 159, 164 Turner, Stuart 119 Turns, jason 128 Turvey, Heather 102 Tyler, Chris 128, 146 Ursery, Stephen 119 Vandergrift, Brian 111 Vaughn, Tonya 111 Vawda, Ayesha 111 , 156 Vazguiz, Feliz 128 Vellejo, Victor 119 Vest, jason 111 Viener, Charlotte 119 Visser, Ann 128 Vogel, jason 111

Vohwinkel, Keirsten 102 Vu, Kim 128, 158 Wade, Raychelle t 119 Wagner, Steve 128 Waibel, Brett 111 Wakefield, Tamckia 111, 163 Walker, Blake 102, 146 Walker, james 128 Walker, julie 11 9 Walker, Melanic 102 Walker, Rob 111 Walker, Stephanie 102 Wallace, Russell 111 , 149, ISO, 161 Wallcott, Riddell 11 9, 151 Waller, Amanda 128 Walters, Kayrn 119 Walters, Wendy 32, 102,164 Walton, Tracy 128, 164 Wamhoff, Brian 128 Wannamaker, Allison 119 Wantuck, joseph 128 Ward, David 102 Wardlaw, jay Ill Ward well, Noel 111 Warr, lnga 119, 159 Warrcn, jennifcr 128 Wa hburn, Karla 111 Watkins, Jason 119 Watt, Allison 13, 128 Watt, Brian 128 Weary, Danita 9, 128 Webb, Mary 102 Webb, Valerie 111 , 164 Webster, Beth 4, 6, 9, 33, 111 , 151, 164 Weiser, Andrea 102

Weiss, Ronald 103 Welch, jcnn 142 Welch, jennifer 128 Welch, Michelle 119 Welford, Alex 111 Welford, Sarah 128 Wells, Catic 11 1 Wells, Scott 111 Wemmcrs, Allison 39 Wesson, Stephanie 119 West, llunter 42, 119 Westfa ll, Matthew 111 Wcstphal, james 103 Westrich, Natasha 119, 157, 158 Wctsell, Cass 16 Whaley, Stewart 119 Whetsell, Cassand ra 128 Whitaker, Aubry 119 Whitaker, Coach 146 White, Ashley 111 White, jeff 111 White, jessica 103 White, Kristyn 93, 103 Whitehurst, Patricia 128 Wilborn, Cassandra 23 Wilgus, Charles 119 Wilkerson,jim 111 , 160 Wilkes, Lee 103 Wilkins, Herman 29 Wilkins, julie 119 Willerton, Shane 128 William, Paige 103 Williams, Brett Ill Williams, Chris 119 Williams, Mathew 128 Williams, Richard 11 9 Williams, Scott 119 Williams, Shannon 128 Williamson, Robyn 11 9 Williford, Nicole 119 Wilson, Chris 119 Wilson, jenni fer 128,148 Wilson, Jill 128 Wilson, john 128 Wilson, Kiel 111 Wilson, Michael 103, 151 Wilson, Peter 128 Wineland, jennifer 111 Winsett, Cort 128 Winterrowd, Michael 119 Wirth, Brian 11 9 Wise, Leah 119 Wolak, Heather 128 Wolcott, Rob 103 Wolford, Sa rah 158 Womac, Edley 103 Woodson, Gordon 103 Wooldridge, l~achcl Ill Workman, Ron 11 9 Wortham, Rachel 119, 143 Wottle, Dave 33 Wray, Chad 111 Wright, Gretchen 119, 164 Wright, Melissa 103, 164 Yesaulov, Andrei 128 Yin, Lan 11 9 Young, Elizabeth 26, 111 ,159, 187 Young, Melessa 119, 146, 160 Young, Wendy 103, 164 Younger, Mary 128 Yount, Stephanie 11 1 Zeigler, Robert 11 9 Ziets, George 128

Index 185

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After many hours of attempting to come up with a theme for this year's book, I found the answer in my mailbox. Sitting there one day, was the Summer Update, thanks to the folks in College Relations. "Together Again" was suggested as the theme for the year as they were trying to get us back for the fa ll . Why not for the yearbook, too? The yearbook is supposed to remind you of what happened- what better. Together Again- the theme just seemed to fit the year. First, we all came back for one more year- together again! Second, there were great efforts and successes in bringing the Rhodes community closer. Many activities occurred on campus thanks to people such as the Social Commission and Student Assembly. We had great turnouts for both Fall Over Fest and RitesofSpring. And finally, the s tudentbodyseemed to join together and work towards a common goal- making this the best possible year! At the same time that so much was happening at Rhodes, the nation and the world was changing. We elected a new U.S. president, all kinds of natural disasters struck the states, the Soviet Union broke into Republics, and the EC ca me into full function, to name a few things. Together Again seemed to say jus t how the Rhodes community responded to all these changes this year

Being editor has been quite a learning experience for me this year. In fact, it was quite a challenging year. It really was amazing how many times l told myself- justa little more work and the worse part will all be over. But I survived. l would like to thank all of the section editors­without you, r could not have finished the book. Thanks to the entire staff who spent countless hours trying to find out that one last person just to appease me. The photography staff was a life saver- without them you wou ld not see any pictures!

Specia l thanks (and congratulations) go out to my roommate, Cathy Carls, my suitemates, Amanda Coe and Debie Rudder, my friends, and innocent bystanders who put up with me and all my endless problems and conflicts. 1 promise you all- you will never have to deal with that again! Cathy-guess what!- no more answering machine tapes used up daily with messages for yearbook! Debie and Amanda- you don't have to hear the chirping phone half as much or the hang-ups! And jennafer- it's fun from here on out, 1 don't have anything to worry about, so you can't either! This page is for all my friends and highly esteemed idols who put up with me daily­hope you enjoy it.

Thanks for the memories and experience as editor. But from now on- alii want is FREE TiME!

1993 Low Quality.pdf - [PDF Document] (191)

1993 Low Quality.pdf - [PDF Document] (192)

1993 Low Quality.pdf - [PDF Document] (193)

1993 Low Quality.pdf - [PDF Document] (194)

1993 Low Quality.pdf - [PDF Document] (195)

1993 Low Quality.pdf - [PDF Document] (196)

1993 Low Quality.pdf - [PDF Document] (197)

Cost of quality.pdf

Power Quality.pdf

1993-Low Mass Flow Rate in Flat-plate Liquid

Air Quality.pdf

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) - House of Quality.pdf

Gap Model of Service Quality.pdf

Cognition-activated low-frequency modulation light ...· Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 90, pp. 3770-3774, April 1993 Neurobiology Cognition-activated low-frequencymodulationoflight

Ashrae Std_62.1-2007_Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.pdf

Rogue Trader Character Sheet Official Editable Web Quality.pdf

CABI11 Natural antimicrobials in food safety and quality.pdf


Skin and Hair Quality.pdf

Water Chem Evaluating Water Quality.pdf

Ontario Ambient Air Quality.pdf

The 1993 EITC Expansion and Low-Skilled Single Mothers’ Welfare Use Decision

Dairy manual - Milk quality.pdf

Manual Power Quality.pdf

mandatory audit firm rotation and audit quality.pdf

IS 8623-1 (1993): Low-Voltage Switchgear and Control gear …· 2018-11-15· IS 8623 (Part 1) : 1993 IEC Pub 439 -1(1985) Type-tested low-voltage switchgear and controlgear

IS 8623-1 (1993): Low-Voltage Switchgear and Control gear …· 2018. 7. 31.· IS 8623 (Part 1) : 1993 IEC Pub 439 -1(1985) Type-tested low-voltage switchgear and controlgear

service quality.pdf

tashfeen.pbworks.comtashfeen.pbworks.com/f/Chapter 1 - Quality.pdf· Created Date: 7/3/2015 8:44:33 PM

Language Policy Committee - 2006 - Language Policy - A Strategy for Quality.pdf

Management of Environmental Quality.pdf

Rice Quality.pdf

MPSI-Eforcing Quality.pdf


Hettiarachchy et al 1997 J Food Quality.pdf

Microstructural study of very low resistivity TiNx films ...swamp.mse.ufl.edu/articles/1993/Katz_1993_SST_8_450.pdfMicrostructural study of very low resistivity TiN x films formed

Low Noise Measurements In An RF Environment by Daniel E. Warren, Rome Laboratory, 08-1993

Baldrige Award Winning Quality.pdf

HVAC Ventilation for Indoor Air Quality.pdf

R12 OPM Quality.pdf



1993 Low Quality.pdf - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Apr 26, 2024

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If you start with a low-resolution image or other file, the resulting PDF may look blurry or pixelated, especially if printed out. PDF converters can't make your finished document look any clearer than the original. Use files with resolutions of at least 72 dots per inch for Web display and 200 to 300 dpi for printing.

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The best and easiest way to sharpen a PDF image is to simply scan the original document again. Often, blurry pages result from scanning errors, such as a bump to the machine or a dirty scanning plate. No amount of image editing and noise reduction will ever make such an image resolve more clearly.

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Jul 19, 2024

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Use Adobe Acrobat Pro:
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  2. Click "Edit PDF" on the menu to the right (pink button toward the top for me)
  3. Right click the photos that are blurry (one at a time) and select "Replace Image", and select the appropriate "clear/quality/high def" image.
Jul 12, 2021

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ScanWritr is an online editor and converter allowing you to clean up PDF, which is stored on your computer, Dropbox or Google Drive. Use your PC, Mac or other device to open a document and clean it up using image enhancement features, eraser tool, and cropping. Furthermore, you don't have to install any app.

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Go to File > Options > Advanced > Image Size and Quality. Apply the image size and quality settings to the current document or to all new documents. Click “Do not compress images in file.” For default resolution, select “High fidelity.”

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Optimal image resolution for laser printing is 300 dpi. Optimal image resolution for computer screen display is 100 dpi. If the images need to printed for critical analysis - use print resolution. Otherwise screen resolution should be fine and will reduce the image file size by at least a factor of three.

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On the top toolbar, click Tools > Edit PDF > Edit. Hover your cursor over the image you want to edit. Click and drag the corners to resize the image.

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Open your PDF in Adobe Acrobat Pro and choose file. Export it to the new file format by going to the right pane and choosing “Export PDF” tool. Or, go to the menu and select “File” > “Export to” > “Image.” Choose image format type (e.g., JPG file, TIFF, etc.).

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How to compress a PDF
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The easiest way to convert your document and preserve image quality is to use a PDF tool like Adobe Acrobat online services and follow these steps:
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  2. Sit back as Acrobat online services automatically convert your document.
  3. Download the PDF.

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Go to the Tools panel and select Export PDF. In the export options, choose Image and then select the image format (e.g., JPEG, PNG). Specify the image quality and other settings. Click on Export and choose a location to save the extracted images.

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  3. Once you have uploaded the file, Acrobat will automatically convert it from an image format to PDF.
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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.